

Effect of Lactobacillus casei Removing Patulin in Apple Juice on the Quality of Apple Juice


目的:本课题组前期筛选到一株可以高效清除苹果汁中展青霉素的干酪乳杆菌Lactobacillus casei YZU01.本文主要研究L.casei YZU01清除苹果汁展青霉素过程中对苹果汁品质的影响.方法:以未添加和添加展青霉素的苹果汁作为对照,分别利用高效液相色谱法、pH计检测法、紫外分光光度法、比色法检测L.casei YZU01降解苹果汁展青霉素过程中苹果汁的有机酸(柠檬酸、酒石酸、富马酸、乙酸和L-苹果酸)和糖含量(葡萄糖和半乳糖)、酸度、非酶褐变指数和透光率、色度等苹果风味和品质相关指标.结果:L.casei YZU01清除苹果汁展青霉素过程中,苹果汁柠檬酸、酒石酸、富马酸和乙酸的含量增多,L-苹果酸、葡萄糖和半乳糖的含量减少,柠檬酸含量从 0.18 g/kg上升至 2.11 g/kg,酒石酸含量从 2.3 g/kg上升至 3.4 g/kg,富马酸含量从 0.12 g/kg上升至 0.15 g/kg,乙酸含量从 0.00 g/kg上升至 0.66 g/kg,L-苹果酸含量从 7.31 g/kg下降至 5.26 g/kg,葡萄糖含量从 38.59 g/kg下降至 1.59 g/kg,半乳糖含量从 67.55 g/kg下降至 28.37 g/kg.尽管干酪乳杆菌处理后苹果汁糖酸含量发生变化,但苹果汁酸度变化不大.干酪乳杆菌在清除展青霉素的过程中不会引起非酶促褐变反应,不会对色泽产生不良影响,但是会引起透光率的波动.在降解 72 h后,干酪乳杆菌对苹果汁色度指标L*值、b*值的影响很小,而使a*值稍稍增大,代表苹果汁绿色变浅.综上所述,干酪乳杆菌清除展青霉素的过程中对苹果汁糖和酸含量产生一定的影响,不会产生非酶褐变反应,对苹果汁色度影响较小.

Objective:Previously,our group screened a strain of Lactobacillus casei YZU01 that could efficiently remove patulin from apple juice.This article aimed to study the effect of L.casei YZU01 on the quality of apple juice during the removal of patulin from apple juice.Methods:The quality parameters of apple juice,including organic acids(citric acid,tartaric acid,fumaric acid,acetic acid and L-malic acid)and sugar content(glucose and galactose),acidity,non-enzymatic browning index,light transmittance,and color parameter,were assessed in three groups:commercial apple juice(CAJ),apple juice supplemented with patulin(CAJ-Patulin),and apple juice supplemented with patulin after degradation by L.casei YZU01(CAJ-Patulin-L.casei YZU01).This analysis was conducted using high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC),pH meter,UV spectrophotometer,and colorimeter.Results:The content of citric acid,tartaric acid,fumaric acid and acetic acid in the group of CAJ-Patulin-L.casei YZU01 was increased from 0.18,2.3,0.12,and 0.00 g/kg to 2.11,3.4,0.15,and 0.66 g/kg,respectively.However,the content of L-malic acid,glucose and galactose in the group of CAJ-Patulin-L.casei YZU01 was decreased from 7.31,38.59,and 67.55 g/kg to 5.26,1.59 and 28.37 g/kg,respectively.The change of sugar and acid contents in the group of CAJ-Patulin-L.casei YZU01 had little effect on the acidity of apple juice.Furthermore,L.casei YZU01 treatment would not cause non-enzymatic browning reaction and had not adverse effects on the color of apple juice,but it would cause a fluctuation in light transmittance.In addition,after 72 hours of degradation,L.casei YZU01 had little effect on the L* and b* value of apple juice,but slightly increased the a* value,which represented that the green color of apple juice became lighter.In conclusion,the sugar and acid contents of apple juice were changed after treatment with L.casei YZU01,but no non-enzymatic browning reaction and color change was observed.


扬州大学食品科学与工程学院,江苏扬州 225127



Lactobacillus caseipatulinapple juicequality

《食品工业科技》 2024 (007)


152-158 / 7


