

Use of the Fermi Function to Describe Wheat Four Water Sorption Hysteresis:Model Parameters χ and k Based on Vrentas-Vrentas Theoretical Simulation


水分吸附及其滞后现象广泛存在并对食品加工及食品品质具有重要影响.采用动态水蒸气吸附分析仪测定了小麦粉在3 个温度条件下的吸湿、解吸平衡水分,然后基于Vrentas-Vrentas(VV)理论进行模拟分析.结果显示,小麦粉的水分吸附滞后程度随温度升高而减小,吸湿与解吸曲线在高水分区域重合,据此提出一个确定玻璃化转变水分的方法.不论吸湿还是解吸,其Flory-Huggins相互作用系数χ皆随水分体积分数而变化,本实验提出采用Peleg改进的Fermi函数表示这种关系.在根据吸湿的χ参数模拟解吸时,VV模型中的参数k随体积分数变化可以表示为Fermi函数的形式.

Water sorption and its hysteresis are widespread phenomena that are important for food processing and food quality.In the present study,water sorption and desorption isotherms of wheat flour were measured at three temperatures using a dynamic vapor sorption(DVS)instrument,and modeled according to the Vrentas-Vrentas(VV)theory.Results showed that the degree of water sorption hysteresis decreased with an increase in temperature.In addition,overlapping between desorption and sorption isotherms was observed at high water activity.Based on this,an approach was proposed to determine the critical water content at which glass transition occurs.For both water sorption and desorption,the Flory-Huggins interaction parameter χ varied with the volume fraction of water,and a modified Fermi function was proposed using the Peleg model to describe this relationship.When desorption isotherms were modeled based on the sorption parameter χ,the VV model parameter k was expressed as a function of the volume fraction of water using a Fermi-type function.


郑州轻工业大学食品与生物工程学院,河南 郑州 450001郑州轻工业大学食品与生物工程学院,河南 郑州 450001||河南省冷链食品质量安全控制重点实验室,河南 郑州 450001



sorption hysteresisVrentas-Vrentas theoryinteractionglass transitionFermi functionwheat flour

《食品科学》 2024 (005)

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