

Denitrifier Acidovorax temperans G21 and its potential application in oilfield industry


以反硝化产气菌在油田生产中的潜在应用为出发点,从油田产出液中分离到一株兼性厌氧反硝化产气菌G21,对菌株G21进行了 16S rRNA基因和反硝化功能基因分析,并基于产气效果对最佳碳源及碳氮比进行优化,测定产生气体的组分,从G21与油藏产出液互配性角度探究了 G21在油田生产中的应用潜力.结果表明:菌株G21与Acidovorax temperans PHL的16S rRNA基因相似性达到99.36%,属于温和食酸菌;菌株G21含有膜结合硝酸盐还原酶(Nar)、周质硝酸盐还原酶(Nap)、亚硝酸盐还原酶(Nir)、一氧化氮还原酶(Nor)和氧化亚氮还原酶(Nos)的编码基因;气体组分分析结果证实,菌株能够将硝酸盐氮还原为氧化亚氮和N2;糖类是其反硝化产气的最佳碳源,碳氮比为5 ∶1时(葡萄糖5 000 mg/L(以化学需氧量COD计)、NaNO3-N 1 000 mg/L),产气量(气液比)达到1∶1;在油藏产出液中,G21产气性能良好,且能压制硫酸盐还原菌的生长.可见,反硝化产气温和食酸菌G21在防控油藏硫酸盐还原菌和产气提高原油采收率方面具有一定的应用潜力.

In order to study the potential application of denitrifying gas-producing bacteria in oilfield industry,we isolated a facultative anaerobic denitrifying gas-producing strain G21 from oilfield production brines,performed phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequences,detected denitrifying genes,optimized carbon source and carbon-nitrogen ratio for gas production,analyzed the composition of gas-production,and tested its application potential in oilfield industry by growing test of G21 in oilfield production brines.Strain G21 showed 99.36%similarity of 16S rRNA gene sequences with Acidovorax temperans PHL,and thus belonged to Acidovorax temperans.Strain G21 contains denitrifying genes narG,napA,nirS,norB and nosZ,which encodes membrane-bound nitrate reductase(Nar),periplasmic-bound nitrate reductase(Nap),nitrite reductase(Nir),nitric oxide reductase(Nor),and nitrous oxide reductase(Nos),respectively.Gas composition analysis showed that strain G21 could reduce nitrate to nitrous oxide and nitrogen.Saccharide is the optimal carbon source of strain G21 for gas production,with the gas-liquid ratio of gas production reaches 1∶1 in medium where carbon(glucose-COD 5 000 mg/L)to nitrogen(NaNO3-N 1000 mg/L)of 5∶1.Additionally,G21 showedhigh performance for gas production when grows in oilfield production brines,and could effectively suppress the growth of sulfate-reducing bacteria.Collectively,the complete denitrifier Acidovorax temperans strain G21 has application potential in controlling sulfate-reducing bacteria and enhancing oil recovery for oilfield industry by complete denitrification.


曲阜师范大学 生命科学学院,山东 曲阜 273165曲阜师范大学 生命科学学院,山东 曲阜 273165曲阜师范大学 生命科学学院,山东 曲阜 273165曲阜师范大学 生命科学学院,山东 曲阜 273165



oil reservoirmicrobial enhanced oil recoverydenitrificationgas-producing bacteriumAcidovorax temperans

《生物加工过程》 2024 (2)



