

Cross-linking Denaturation Reaction of Amaranth Starch and the Physicochemical Properties of Its Products


为探究极小颗粒淀粉的交联变性反应特性及不同取代度产物的理化性质,本研究以籽粒苋淀粉(Amaranth starch,AS)为原料,三偏磷酸钠作为变性剂,采用糯玉米淀粉(Waxy corn starch,WCS)作为对照,探究了温度(45、50、55 ℃)、pH(9.0、10.0、11.0)和膨胀抑制剂Na2SO4浓度(5%、10%、15%)对两种淀粉交联反应进程和效率的影响,并对比了不同取代度(Degree of substitution,DS)的变性产物的理化性质.结果表明,与WCS相比,温度对AS交联反应的影响较小,单纯升高温度难以提高交联反应效率;相反,pH与Na2SO4浓度对AS和WCS的交联变性反应均起促进作用,pH越高(10.0~11.0)、Na2SO4浓度越高(5%~15%),交联反应速率就越快.低取代度交联AS(DS 0.1×10-3~0.8×10-3)糊化后黏度大于50 cP,具有稳定的增稠作用;高取代度交联AS(DS≥0.8×10-3)糊化后黏度在50cP以下,增稠能力弱,具有类似脂肪的外观和质地.研究表明,反应pH和膨胀抑制剂Na2SO4的浓度是调节籽粒苋淀粉反应速率的有效手段,且交联籽粒苋淀粉的增稠能力较弱,但黏度稳定性好、抗剪切能力强,在作为脂肪替代物应用方面具有潜在价值.

To investigate the cross-linking denaturation reaction characteristics of very small granular starch and the physicochemical properties of the products with different degrees of substitution,in this study,the effects of temperature(45,50,55 ℃),pH(9.0,10.0,11.0)and expansion inhibitor Na2SO4 concentration(5%,10%,15%)on the process and efficiency of the cross-linking reaction were investigated and physicochemical properties of the cross-linking products with different degrees of substitution(DS)were compared using amaranth starch as raw material,sodium trimetaphosphate as denaturant and waxy corn starch(WCS)as control.The results showed that the cross-linking reaction of AS was less influenced by temperature compared to WCS,and it was difficult to increase the efficiency of the cross-linking reaction by simply increasing the temperature.On the contrary,both pH and Na2SO4 concentration promoted the cross-linking denaturation reaction of AS and WCS,and higher pH levels(10.0~11.0)and Na2SO4 concentrations(5%~15%)led to faster rates of cross-linking reaction.The viscosity of low-substitution cross-linked AS(DS 0.1 × 10-3~0.8× 10-3)after pasting was greater than 50 cP with a stable thickening effect;high-substitution cross-linked AS(DS≥ 0.8×10-3)exhibited a viscosity below 50 cP after pasting,with a weak thickening ability and a fat-like appearance and texture.This study showed that pH and the concentration of expansion inhibitor Na2SO4 were effective means of regulating the reaction rate of amaranth starch,and that cross-linked amaranth starch had a weak thickening ability but good viscosity stability and shear resistance,which was potentially valuable in its application as a fat substitute.


中国农业大学食品科学与营养工程学院,北京 100083中国农业大学食品科学与营养工程学院,北京 100083||植物蛋白与谷物加工北京市重点实验室,北京 100083



amaranth starchcross-linking modificationreaction characteristicsphysicochemical properties of modified starch

《食品工业科技》 2024 (009)

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