

Preparation of Zein-Nicandra physaloides Gum Binary Complex and Its Application in Pickering Emulsions


玉米醇溶蛋白(Zein)因其独特的自组装特性被广泛应用于食品功能性组分的荷载与递送.但由于其疏水性强,单一 Zein基Pickering乳液的界面稳定性难以满足实际应用的需要,采用合适的多糖构建复合体系是改善其乳液稳定性的有效策略.本文采用复凝聚法制备了不同蛋白-多糖比例的假酸浆子胶(NPG)与Zein复合颗粒(NZPs),对其理化性质、结构及乳液特性进行了表征.结果表明,当NPG比例越大时,NZPs的表面润湿性越强,同时蛋白和多糖在静电作用力下形成的复合颗粒粒径尺寸越小且趋于均匀分布.NZPs的内源荧光光谱中对应特征峰的峰强分别与Zein和NPG的含量呈正比,NPG的复合影响了 Zein中酪氨酸残基所处微环境的极性.傅里叶红外光谱(FT-IR)中峰位的移动以及新峰的生成表明蛋白-多糖中存在氢键作用以及新的化学键生成.NZPs基Pickering乳液的储能模量(G')大于损耗模量(G"),在Zein∶NPG=1∶1时二者均达到最大,形成的乳液体系结构最强.乳析指数(CI)结果显示,在不同pH和加热处理下,NZPs基Pickering乳液的稳定性普遍高于单一的Zein或NPG乳液.本研究为开发新型玉米醇溶蛋白-多糖复合体系及其高效稳定的Pickering乳液提供理论参考.

Zein is widely used in loading and delivery of food functional components due to its unique self-assembly properties.However,due to the strong hydrophobicity,the interface stability of the pure Zein-based Pickering emulsion is difficult to meet the needs of practical applications,and the construction of a composite system with appropriate polysaccharides is an effective strategy to improve the stability of its emulsion.On account of this,composite particles(NZPs)using Zein and Nicandra physaloides gum(NPG)with different protein-polysaccharide compounding ratios were prepared in this work by complex coacervation method.The physicochemical properties,structure and emulsion properties of NZPs were characterized.The results showed that the surface wettability of NZPs increased with the increasing addition of NPG,and meanwhile the formed composite particles became smaller with better dispersity,caused by the specific electrostatic force between protein and polysaccharide.The endogenous fluorescence spectrum of NZPs showed that the peak intensity of the corresponding characteristic peaks was proportional to the content of Zein and NPG,respectively,and the introduction of NPG affected the microenvironment polarity of tyrosine residues in Zein molecules.The shift of the absorption peak in Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy(FT-IR)indicated the enhanced hydrogen bond interaction and the generation of new peaks indicated the formation of new chemical bonds in NZPs.The storage modulus(G')of NZPs-based Pickering emulsions was higher than the loss modulus(G").When the compounding ratio was 1∶1(Zein∶NPG),both G'and G"of emulsions reached the maximum,obtaining the optimum emulsion system structure.The creaming index(CI)results showed that the stability of NZPs-based Pickering emulsions was generally higher than that of the pure Zein or NPG emulsions under different pH and heating treatments.This study provides a theoretical reference for the development of new Zein-polysaccharide composite system and its highly efficient and stable Pickering emulsions.


山东理工大学农业工程与食品科学学院,山东淄博 255000山东理工大学农业工程与食品科学学院,山东淄博 255000||山东扳倒井股份有限公司,山东淄博 256399



ZeinNicandra physaloides gumcomposite particlecharacterizationemulsion

《食品工业科技》 2024 (009)

91-98 / 8


