

Isolation,identification and safety assessment of Lactobacillus plantarum LP0126


本研究以从泡菜中分离到的一株乳酸菌菌株LP0126 为研究对象,对其生理生化特性与安全性进行初步研究,为菌株的工业化应用提供参考.通过形态学、生理生化鉴定及 16S rDNA和pheS基因序列综合对比分析,该菌株鉴定为植物乳植杆菌(Lactobacillus plantarum).对其开展耐酸/耐胆盐、人工胃液及人工肠液耐受试验、抗生素敏感试验、溶血试验及小鼠经口毒性、生物遗传毒性试验,以评价菌株LP0126 的生理生化特性与应用安全性.结果表明:菌株LP0126 具有良好的耐酸及耐胆盐特性,在pH值 2.0、3.0 的条件下,3 h内的存活率分别为 46.01%、62.77%.在 0.2%胆盐浓度下培养 6 h,存活率 63.56%;在人工胃液中培养 0.5、1、2 h,菌株存活率分别为 61.47%、56.03%、51.85%.在人工肠液中培养 2、4、6、8 h,菌株存活率分别为118.54%、139.01%、142.70%、160.59%;对青霉素(PEN)、氨苄西林(AMP)、红霉素(ERY)、利奈唑胺(LZ)、亚胺培南(IPM)、美罗培南(MEM)高度敏感,对万古霉素耐药;无溶血性;无急性毒性;无遗传毒性.初步评价结果显示,植物乳植杆菌LP0126 具有良好的抗逆性与安全性,可应用于功能食品与乳酸菌类产品的加工与开发.

Strain Lactobacillus plantarum LP0126 isolated from kimchi were studied,Through the analysis of its morphological,physiological,and biochemical identification,16S rDNA and pheS gene sequence analysis,the strain was identified as Lactobacillus plantarum.In order to evaluate safety and probiotic properties of Lactobacillus plantarum LP0126,the tolerant test of acid,bile salt,artificial gastric fluid and artificial intestinal fluid were performed;drug resistance test,hemolysis test,acute transoral toxicity test and genotoxicity test were also carried out.The results showed that strain LP0126 had good acid and bile salt resistance,the survival rate of the strain was 46.01%and 62.77%at pH 3.0 and pH 2.0 for 3 h,respectively.The survival rate was 63.56%at 0.2%bile salt for 6 h.The survival rate was 61.47%、56.03%、51.85%under artificial gastric fluid for 0.5,1 h and 2 h,respectively.The survival rate was 118.54%、139.01%、142.70%、160.59%under artificial intestinal fluid for 2,4,6 h and 8 h,respectively.The strain was sensitive to penicillin(PEN),ampicillin(AMP),rythromycin(ERY),linezolid(LZ),imipenem(IPM),meropenem(MEM),and resistant to vancomycin(VA).The strain did not have hemolysis and was Non-toxic and non-genotoxicity.The conclusion was that strain Lactobacillus plantarum LP0126 had good resistance and was safe.It can be used in the processing and development of functional foods and lactic acid bacteria products.


山东凤凰生物科技股份有限公司,泰安 271000



Lactobacillus plantarum LP0126isolation and identificationresistancetransoral toxicitysafety

《中国食品添加剂》 2024 (005)

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