

The Reality Pattern and Practical Strategy of WeChat Group Enabling Home Co-breeding in the Digital Age


数字技术正渗透着在生活的方方面面,推进教育数字化成为时代命题.微信群作为广泛普及的数字化工具在家园沟通中担当着重要角色.研究采用观察法和访谈法对北京市和山东省 9 所幼儿园微信群使用的现实样态和教师体验进行了深入调查.调查发现,微信群能够促进家园之间的高效交互、情感共鸣、专业互信和目标共识,能够为家园实践共同体的构建起到一定的赋能作用.但是,由于时空界限模糊、教师信息素养不足、家园双方主体缺位、教师专业呈现不足、传统惯习带来的教师单向主导等问题,导致技术赋能仍停留于表层,未能转化为家园之间的深度介入和联动.为此,研究提出了数字化时代微信群赋能家园共育的具体实践策略.

In the digital age,digital technology is infiltrating every aspect of life,and promoting the digitization of education has become an imperative of the times.As a widely used digital communication tool,WeChat groups play a significant role in facilitating communication between homes and kindergartens.This study employed observation and interview methods to conduct a thorough investigation into the reality pattern and teachers'experiences with the use of WeChat groups in nine kindergartens located in Beijing and Shandong provinces.The findings revealed that WeChat groups can effectively promote efficient interaction,emotional resonance,professional mutual trust,and consensus on goals between homes and kindergartens,thus playing a pivotal role in enabling the construction of a home-kindergarten practice community.However,due to issues such as blurred temporal and spatial boundaries,insufficient teachers'information literacy,absence of subjectivity on both sides,insufficient professional presentation of teachers,and the unidirectional dominance of teachers caused by traditional habits,the technological empowerment remains superficial and has not been transformed into deep intervention and linkage between homes and kindergartens.Consequently,this paper proposes specific practical strategies for leveraging WeChat groups to empower home-kindergarten collaborative education in the digital era.


中国人民大学书报资料中心||北京师范大学教育学部(北京 100872)北京师范大学教育学部||山东英才学院(北京100875)山东省滕州市木石镇木石中学(枣庄 277527)


digitalizationWeChat grouphome co-breedingreality patternpractical strategy

《当代教育论坛》 2024 (003)

50-57 / 8

