Prevalence trends of underweight,overweight and obesity among women of reproductive age in rural areas of Henan Province from 2013 to 2018
目的:分析2013-2018 年河南省农村地区育龄女性低体重、超重和肥胖的流行趋势.方法:研究对象为2013-2018 年河南省农村地区参加国家免费孕前优生健康检查项目的 3 686 404 名育龄女性.根据BMI,计算低体重率、超重率和肥胖率,并以 2020 年全国人口年龄构成进行标化.采用Joinpoint回归分析标化体重率、超重率和肥胖率的年度变化百分比和年均变化百分比(AAPC).结果:河南省农村地区育龄女性标化低体重率由 2013年的6.36%下降至2018 年的4.72%,AAPC(95%CI)为-6.14%(-6.20%~-6.09%);标化超重率由2013 年的19.77%上升至2018 年的23.78%,AAPC(95%CI)为4.19%(1.64%~6.80%);标化肥胖率由2013 的4.88%上升至2018 年的6.89%,AAPC(95%CI)为7.77%(4.68%~10.96%).2013-2018 年河南省山区和丘陵地区标化超重率和肥胖率年均增长速度均高于平原地区.结论:河南省农村地区育龄女性超重肥胖问题日益严峻,应结合各区域特点加强体重管理指导.
Aim:To analyze the prevalence trend of underweight,overweight and obesity in women of reproductive age in rural areas of Henan Province from 2013 to 2018.Methods:A total of 3 686 404 women of reproductive age who partici-pated in the National Free Pre-pregnancy Health Examination Project in rural areas of Henan Province from 2013 to 2018 were chosen.The underweight rate,overweight rate and obesity rate were calculated and age standardized by the data of 2020 national census.Joinpoint regression was used to analyze the annual percentage change and the average annual per-centage change(AAPC).Results:The age-standardized underweight rate of women of reproductive age in rural areas of Henan Province decreased from 6.36% in 2013 to 4.72% in 2018,AAPC(95%CI)was -6.14%(-6.20%--6.09%).The age-standardized overweight rate increased from 19.77%in 2013 to 23.78%in 2018,AAPC(95%CI)was 4.19%(1.64%-6.80%).The standardized obesity rate increased from 4.88%in 2013 to 6.89%in 2018,AAPC(95%CI)was 7.77%(4.68%-10.96%).From 2013 to 2018,the average annual growth rates of standardized overweight and obesity rates in mountainous and hilly areas of Henan Province were higher than that in plain areas.Conclusion:The o-verweight and obesity among women of reproductive age in rural areas of Henan Province is increasingly serious.Weight managment should be carried out and strengthen according to regional characteristics.
河南省生殖健康科学技术研究院||国家卫生健康委出生缺陷预防重点实验室||河南省人口缺陷干预技术重点实验室 郑州 450002河南省生殖健康科学技术研究院||国家卫生健康委出生缺陷预防重点实验室||河南省人口缺陷干预技术重点实验室 郑州 450002河南省生殖健康科学技术研究院||国家卫生健康委出生缺陷预防重点实验室||河南省人口缺陷干预技术重点实验室 郑州 450002河南省生殖健康科学技术研究院||国家卫生健康委出生缺陷预防重点实验室||河南省人口缺陷干预技术重点实验室 郑州 450002河南省生殖健康科学技术研究院||国家卫生健康委出生缺陷预防重点实验室||河南省人口缺陷干预技术重点实验室 郑州 450002河南省生殖健康科学技术研究院||国家卫生健康委出生缺陷预防重点实验室||河南省人口缺陷干预技术重点实验室 郑州 450002
women of reproductive ageunderweightoverweightobesityHenan Provincerural area
《郑州大学学报(医学版)》 2024 (3)