

Why Teach with Virtue:A Study on the Formation Mechanism of High School Teachers'Agency in Values Education


基于对上海市一所示范性高中127 份教师反思文本的剖析及对18 名教师的深度访谈,探析教师价值观教育能动性的形成机制.研究发现,教师能动性具有意愿和行为双重结构,表征为理想型、受限型与无意识型三种不同类型.教师能动意愿受主体自觉、学生需要与外部情境等因素的共同影响;能动行为受能动意愿的直接驱动,且受学科要素的调节;个体胜任力和组织赋能影响着能动行为水平.为提升教师的能动性,要强化教师主体自觉,关注隐性教育点,优化组织支持.

Based on the analysis of 127 teacher reflection texts and in-depth interviews with 18 teachers in a model high school in Shanghai,this study explored the mechanisms that shape the agency of teachers'engagement in values education.The study found that teachers'agency had a dual structure of willingness and behavior and was characterized by three differ-ent types:idealistic,restricted,and unconscious.Teachers'willingness is collectively influenced by factors such as subjec-tive consciousness,student needs,and external situational contexts.The manifestation of agency behaviors is directly driven by the willingness and moderated by disciplinary elements.Furthermore,individual proficiency and organizational empower-ment significantly influence the level of agency behavior.To enhance teachers'agency,we suggest strengthening teachers'subjective self-awareness;focusing on implicit educational points;and optimizing organizational support.


上海交通大学教育学院,上海 200240



high school teachersvalues educationagency

《教师教育研究》 2024 (003)

86-92 / 7
