

The Reform Vision and Realistic Direction of Elementary Mathematics Education in Canada



The discussion of subject education and teaching in different countries from an international perspective can provide experience and reflection for the implementation of the new curriculum reforms.The mathematics curriculum reform in Canadian elementary schools highlights the integration of learning areas and interdisciplinary connections,with curriculum expectations focusing on returning to basics and nurturing active mathematics learners,emphasizing teachers'deep understanding of curriculum standards,and curriculum design autonomy.In classroom teaching,it presents the practical characteristics of flexible design of learning tasks and emphasizes thinking visualization,highlighting situation creation and connection with life,advocating the combination of learning evaluation and teaching process,and focusing on the creation of an independent and safe learning environment in class.The implementation of elementary mathematics curriculum under the new round of compulsory education curriculum reform in China should give full play to the forward-looking nature of mathematics curriculum,attach importance to teachers'in-depth understanding of curriculum standards and curriculum practice,create an open and inclusive teaching ecology,and give full play to the function of subject education.


华中师范大学 教育学院,湖北 武汉 430079东北师范大学 教育学部,吉林 长春 130024



Canadaelementary mathematics educationcurriculum reformmathematics teaching

《数学教育学报》 2024 (003)

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