

Investigation and Research on the Implementation of Curriculum Standards for Primary School Mathematics Teachers in Yunnan Province


研究采用问卷调查法,对云南省 2022 年度"义务教育青年教师培训计划"的 300 名小学数学教师就《义务教育数学课程标准(2022 年版)》理解与《义务教育数学课程标准(2011 年版》实施情况展开调查.研究结果表明:教师对课标地位的认识不到位,实施课标的主动性不足;旧课标背景下教师教学行为有所转变,但未将课标作为日常教学的依据;教师对新课标内容认同度较高,但内容理解水平低;性别、教龄等不同的教师在课标实施水平上差异性显著;课程标准实施的指标之间呈现出正相关关系.建议:强化课标指导地位,提升实施的积极性;深化课标理念解读,促进内容深度理解;减小群体水平差异,助力课标全面实施.

A questionnaire survey was used to investigate teachers'understanding of Mathematics curriculum Standards for Compulsory Education(2022 edition)and the implementation of Mathematics curriculum Standards for Compulsory Education(2011 edition)among 300 primary school mathematics teachers in the 2022 Compulsory Education Young Teachers Plan in Yunnan Province.The results show that:teachers do not fully understand the status of curriculum standards and have insufficient initiative to implement the curriculum standards;Under the background of old curriculum standards,teachers'teaching behavior has changed,but they do not use the curriculum standards as the basis of daily teaching;the degree of recognition of the content of the curriculum standards is high,but the level of content understanding is low;There are significant differences in the implementation level of the curriculum standards among teachers with different genders and teaching years,etc;there is a positive correlation between the implementation indicators of curriculum standards.In view of the existing problems,it is suggested to:strengthen the guiding position of curriculum standards and enhance the enthusiasm for implementation;deepen the interpretation of curriculum standard concepts and promote the in-depth understanding of the content;and reduce group level differences and help the comprehensive implementation of the curriculum standards.


云南师范大学 数学学院,云南 昆明 650500



implementation of curriculum standardsprimary school mathematics teacherscurrent situation investigation

《数学教育学报》 2024 (003)

45-51 / 7

