

Survey Research on the Status of Assignment Design of Elementary School Mathematics Teachers


作业设计质量是提升教学质量的重要维度,也是体现教师专业能力的重要标志.为了解小学数学教师作业设计现状,对 887 名教师展开问卷调查.研究表明:作业设计的重要性已得到广泛认同,但教师作业设计理念陈旧、时间投入不足、能力普遍较弱;教龄与教师作业设计能力呈现出部分正相关关系;影响教师日常作业设计的因素很多,教师的主动学习很重要;高校教育普遍缺乏作业设计课程.教学建议:高校课程应从"理论"走向"实践";作业功能应从"工具"走向"育人";作业设计应从"割裂"走向"整合";作业改进应从"形式"走向"本质".

The quality of assignment design is an important dimension to improve the quality of teaching and learning,as well as an important indicator of teachers'professional abilities.In order to understand the current situation of assignment design for elementary school mathematics teachers,a questionnaire survey was conducted among 887 teachers.The study result shows that:the importance of assignment design has been widely recognized,but there still exist some problems:outdated assignment design concepts,insufficient time investment,and weak design ability.There is a partial positive correlation between teaching years and teachers'assignment design abilities.Many factors affect teachers'assignment design ability:teachers'active learning is very important and college education generally lacks assignment design courses.Accordingly,it is suggested that:college courses should shift from"theory"to"practice";the function of assignments should shift from"tools"to"educator";Assignment design should shift from"fragmentation"to"integration";and the improvement of assignment should shift from"form"to"essence".


江苏省常州市武进区学校和教师发展中心,江苏 常州 213161江苏省常州市武进区实验小学,江苏 常州 213161||南京师范大学 课程与教学研究所,江苏 南京 210097



assignment designelementary math teachersquestionnaire survey

《数学教育学报》 2024 (003)

57-63 / 7

