

Research on the law of impurity removal of soybean concentrated lecithin and substances affecting its transparency


目的:探究大豆浓缩磷脂的脱杂规律,分析、鉴定影响大豆浓缩磷脂透明度的物质.方法:以食品级大豆浓缩磷脂为原料,透光率为主要评价指标,考察陶瓷膜孔径、料液比、溶剂体系(正己烷、正己烷—无水乙醇)及溶剂配比对大豆浓缩磷脂脱杂的影响;同时对收集到的杂质及脱杂前后的大豆浓缩磷脂进行脂质组学分析、鉴定.结果:在正己烷—无水乙醇双溶剂体系下,选用孔径为20 nm的无机陶瓷膜,食品级大豆浓缩磷脂与正己烷—无水乙醇双溶剂的料液比(m大豆浓缩磷脂∶V双溶剂)为1∶3(g/mL)且V正己烷∶V无水乙醇为3∶1,可有效脱除食品级大豆浓缩磷脂中影响其透明度的颗粒性和脂溶性杂质;同时,通过脂质组学分析鉴定了影响大豆浓缩磷脂透明度的脂溶性物质为糖酯类物质单半乳糖二酰甘油和衍生酯类物质二甲基磷脂酰乙醇胺.结论:选用纳米级陶瓷膜,在正己烷—无水乙醇体系下,可对大豆浓缩磷脂进行有效脱杂,制备的产品透明度优于进口透明大豆磷脂.

Objective:This study aimed to explore the impurity removal law of soybean lecithin concentrate,analyze and identify the substances that affect the transparency of soybean lecithin concentrate.Methods:Using food-grade soybean lecithin concentrate as raw material and light transmittance as the main evaluation index,the effects of ceramic membrane pore size,material-liquid ratio,solvent system(n-hexane,n-hexane-anhydrous ethanol)and solvent ratio on impurity removal of soybean lecithin concentrate were investigated.Moreover,the collected impurities and soybean concentrated lecithin before and after impurity removal were analyzed and identified by lipidomics.Results:In the system of n-hexane-anhydrous ethanol,the inorganic ceramic membrane with a pore size of 20 nm was selected,and the ratio of solid to liquid of food-grade soybean concentrated lecithin:n-hexane-anhydrous ethanol was 1:3 and the ratio of n-hexane to anhydrous ethanol was 3∶1,which could effectively remove the particulate and fat-soluble impurities that affected its transparency.Moreover,the lipid-soluble substances affecting the transparency of soybean condensed lecithin were identified as sugar ester monogalactose diacylglycerol and derivative ester dimethyl phosphatidylethanolamine by lipid proteomics analysis.Conclusion:The nano-scale ceramic membrane can effectively remove impurities from concentrated soybean lecithin in the system of n-hexane and absolute ethanol,and the transparency of the prepared products is better than that of imported transparent soybean lecithin.


仙乐健康科技股份有限公司,广东汕头 515041华南协同创新研究院,广东东莞 523808华南协同创新研究院,广东东莞 523808||华南理工大学食品科学与工程学院,广东广州 510640||岭南现代农业科学与技术广东省实验室河源分中心,广东河源 517000


concentrated soybean lecithinceramic membranesolvent systemimpurity removallipidomics

《食品与机械》 2024 (005)

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