

How Does Embodiment Shape Cognition:An Examination of the Historical and Theoretical Aspects Behind"Doing without Learning"



"Learning by doing"often turns into doing without learning in practice.Based on a review of the original intention,alienation and chaos of"learning by doing"in the course of a century of educational reform,this article introduces the embodied per-spective of cognition,thereby transforming the practical problem of"why there is doing without learning"into the scientific question of"how does embodiment shape cognition".Starting from the three major boundaries of embodied cognition(embodied simulation based on the common coding hypothesis,internal forward models as predictors,and the tool incorporation mechanism of technical embodi-ment expanding imagination and action space),the article conducts a dual examination of the historical and theoretical aspects of why"learning by doing"can turn into"doing without learning"and how to achieve"learning by doing".If"learning by doing"begins with hope and ends in disappointment,and"discovery learning"attempts to transcend"learning by doing"but ultimately fails,then"creative learning"based on the embodied cognition viewpoint truly achieves the rejection and transcendence of both"learning by doing"and"discovery learning".It ultimately unifies"doing"and"thinking",allowing the ideal of"learning by doing"to enter the realm of educational reality.It can be seen that"learning by doing"represents the thesis,"discovery learning"is the antithesis,and"creative learning"is the synthesis.This syllogism of thesis,antithesis,and synthesis is a metaphor for the dialectical unity of educa-tional thought development and theoretical construction.


华中师范大学人工智能教育学部(湖北武汉 430079)



Learning by DoingDiscovery LearningLearning by MakingEmbodied Cognition

《远程教育杂志》 2024 (003)

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