

Serological Epidemiological Investigation on Brucellosis in Cattle and Sheep in Chenzhou City,Hunan Province in 2023


为了解湖南省郴州市牛羊布鲁氏菌病(简称布病)流行现状,采取横断面研究方法,在2023年5-6月先收集郴州市辖区内牛羊群养殖数据,再采用两阶段抽样方式抽取牛羊场户和个体,采集血样进行布鲁氏菌抗体检测.结果显示:牛布病场群阳性率为 1.82%(95%CI:0~4.32%),个体阳性率为 2.81%(95%CI:2.08%~3.55%);羊布病场群阳性率为 3.36%(95%CI:1.56%~5.15%),个体阳性率为 1.47%(95%CI:1.24%~1.69%).2 个布病阳性牛场存栏量均<100 头,10 个布病阳性羊场存栏量<100 只,3 个布病阳性羊场存栏量≥100 只;阳性场点多分布于西南部的临武县、北湖区、苏仙区、桂阳县等地区;种羊场、商品代牛场、商品代羊场的个体阳性率分别为 0、2.81%、1.60%,商品代牛场的个体阳性率显著高于商品代羊场(χ2=13.05,P<0.001).结果说明:郴州市牛羊群体中存在布病流行,但呈低水平流行散发态势,主要流行于郴州市西南部;中小规模养殖场户的布病发生风险更高,短期育肥的行为会增大布病传播风险.建议养殖场户严格规范引种和调运羊只,相关机构加强对活畜引种和调运的检疫和监管,降低布病发生风险.

In order to identify the prevalence of bruellosis in Chenzhou City,Hunan Province,production data of cattle and sheep in the city were firstly collected from May to June 2023 using a cross-sectional method,farms and individuals were selected using a two-stage sampling method,and blood samples were collected for detection of antibodies against Brucella.The results showed that the positive rate of brucellosis was 1.82%(95%CI:0-4.32%)at the level of cattle farm/herd,and 2.81%(95%CI:2.08%-3.55%)at the level of individual,while 3.36%(95%CI:1.56%-5.15%)at the level of sheep farm/herd,and 1.47%(95%CI:1.24%-1.69%)at the level of individual.The inventory was<100 on both 2 positive cattle farms and 10 positive sheep farms,and≥100 on 3 positive sheep farms;positive farms/premises were mostly located in the southwestern region including Linwu County,Beihu District,Suxian District and Guiyang County;the positive rates at individual level were 0,2.81%and 1.60%on sheep breeding farms,commercial cattle farms and commercial sheep farms,respectively,and the rate of commercial cattle farms was obviously higher than that of commercial sheep farms(χ2=13.05,P<0.001).In conclusion,brucellosis was prevalent in cattle and sheep in Chenzhou City,tending to spread sporadically at a low level,especially mainly in the southwestern of the city;there was a higher risk of brucellosis occurrence in small farms/households,and the risk of spread would be increased by the behavior of short-term fattening.For the purpose of reducing such risk,it was recommended that farms/households should strictly standardize all introduction and movement of their animals,and relevant authorities should strengthened their quarantine and supervision for all introduction and movement of all live animals.


郴州市动物疫病预防控制中心,湖南郴州 423000桂东县畜牧水产事务中心,湖南桂东 423500汝城县动物疫病预防控制中心,湖南汝城 424100桂阳县动物疫病预防控制中心,湖南桂阳 424400苏仙区畜牧水产事务中心,湖南郴州 423000资兴市畜牧水产事务中心,湖南资兴 423400



brucellosisserological surveillancecattle and sheep

《中国动物检疫》 2024 (006)

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