

Effects of Different Treatment Methods on the Extraction Rate and Antioxidant Activity of Burdock rhizome Root Polysaccharides


为了研究不同处理方式对牛蒡根理化性质及抗氧化活性的影响,为牛蒡根多糖提取、产品开发提供新思路,本研究以超微粉碎、蒸汽爆破和双螺杆挤压熟化处理牛蒡根后,提取牛蒡根多糖,测定牛蒡根多糖提取液的抗氧化活性.结果表明,超微粉碎处理后牛蒡根多糖提取率最高,为36.03%.蒸汽爆破处理后牛蒡根多糖提取液DPPH自由基清除能力和羟基自由基清除能力最强,其中较未处理的牛蒡根提多糖取液DPPH自由基清除能力提高 15.96%.螺杆挤压熟化处理后牛蒡根多糖提取液还原力最强,较未处理的牛蒡根多糖提取液提高 15.60%.蒸汽爆破处理后菊糖的提取率最高,为 34.94%.

In order to study the effects of different treatments on the physicochemical properties and antioxidant activity of Burdock rhizome root.In this study,B.rhizome root polysaccharides were extracted by ultrafine grinding,steam blasting and twin-screw extrusion and curing of B.rhizome roots,and the antioxidant activity of B.rhizome root polysaccharide extract was determined.The results showed that the extraction rate of B.rhizome root polysaccharides was the highest after ultrafine grinding,which was 36.03%.After steam blasting pretreatment,the DPPH free radical scavenging ability and hydroxyl radical scavenging ability of B.rhizome root polysaccharide extract were the strongest,and the DPPH free radical scavenging ability was 15.96%higher than that of the untreated B.rhizome root polysaccharide extract.The reduction power of B.rhizome root polysaccharide extract was the strongest after screw extrusion and curing,which was 15.60%higher than that of the untreated B.rhizome root polysaccharide extract.The extraction rate of inulin was the highest after steam blasting,which was 34.94%.


中华全国供销合作总社济南果品研究所,山东济南 250014



Burdock rhizomeultrafine grindingsteam blastingscrew extrusionpolysaccharide extraction rateoxidation resistance

《中国果菜》 2024 (006)

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