

Application of Cinnamaldehyde Microcapsules in Anti-fungal Preservation of Purple Rice


为对比常见天然植物提取物对紫米优势霉菌的抗菌性能,并探究其在紫米储藏中的应用,本研究分离和纯化发霉紫米中的霉菌,通过显微镜镜检和分子生物学鉴定确定优势霉菌.以此为基础,研究柠檬醛、肉桂醛、对茴香醛、茶多酚、百里香酚、丁香酚六种天然植物提取物对紫米优势霉菌的抑菌性能,选择抑菌性能最好的天然植物提取物并测定其对优势霉菌的最小抑菌浓度(Minimum Inhibitory Concentration,MIC)及最小杀菌浓度(Minimum Bacterial Concentration,MBC).然后,通过正交试验优化得到肉桂醛微胶囊最佳制备工艺,将制得的微胶囊干燥后包装于无纺布袋中并应用于35 ℃紫米加速储藏试验.最后,以水分、霉菌含量、气味、色差等作为紫米新鲜度的指标,评价肉桂醛微胶囊对紫米的保鲜效果.结果表明:发霉紫米优势霉菌为Aspergillus versicolor(杂色曲霉)、Aspergillus chevalieri(谢瓦曲霉)、Cladosporium tenuissimum(细枝孢霉)、Aspergillus candidus(亮白曲霉)、Rhizomucor pusillus(微小根毛霉),肉桂醛对上述霉菌抑制效果最佳,并且测得其MIC分别为2、1、1、2、1 mg/mL;MBC分别为4、8、4、16、4mg/mL.肉桂醛微胶囊最佳制备工艺为:海藻酸钠的浓度为3%,氯化钙的浓度为1%,壁芯比为12∶1,造粒液面距离为25 cm,该工艺制得的肉桂醛微胶囊的包埋率为96.67%,载油率为61.27%.肉桂醛微胶囊使紫米的各项新鲜度指标均优于空白对照组,说明所制备的肉桂醛微胶囊对紫米保鲜有积极作用.

In order to compare the antimicrobial and fungicidal properties of common natural plant extracts against dominant molds in purple rice and to investigate their application in purple rice storage,this study isolated and purified molds in moldy purple rice,and identified the dominant molds by microscopic examination and molecular biology.On this basis,the inhibitory properties of six natural plant extracts,citral,cinnamaldehyde,p-anisaldehyde,tea polyphenols,thymol and eugenol,were investigated against dominant molds of purple rice.The natural plant extracts with the best bacteriostatic properties were selected and their minimum inhibitory concentration(MIC)and minimum bacterial concentration(MBC)against dominant molds were determined.Then the best preparation process of cinnamaldehyde microcapsules was optimized by orthogonal test,and the microcapsules were packed in non-woven bags after drying and applied in the accelerated storage test of purple rice at 35 C.Finally,moisture,mold content,odor,and color difference were used as indicators of the freshness of purple rice to evaluate the preservation effect of cinnamaldehyde microcapsules on purple rice.The results showed that the dominant molds of moldy purple rice were Aspergillus versicolor,Aspergillus chevalieri,Cladosporium tenuissimum,Aspergillus candidus and Rhizomucor pusillus,cinnamaldehyde had the best inhibitory effect on the above molds,and its MIC was measured as 2,1,1,2,1 mg/mL,and MBC was measured as 4,8,4,16,4 mg/mL,respectively.The optimal preparation process of cinnamaldehyde microcapsules was as follows:The concentration of sodium alginate was 3%,the concentration of calcium chloride was 1%,the wall-core ratio was 12∶1,and the distance between the liquid surface of the pelleting was 25 cm,and the encapsulation rate of the cinnamaldehyde microcapsules produced by the process was 96.67%,and the oil-carrying rate was 61.27%.The cinnamaldehyde microcapsules made the freshness indexes of purple rice better than the blank control group,indicating that the prepared cinnamaldehyde microcapsules have a positive effect on the preservation of purple rice.


华南农业大学食品学院,广东广州 510642新兴县微丰农业科技有限公司,广东云浮 527400



purple riceadvantageous moldscinnamaldehydemicrocapsulespreservation

《食品工业科技》 2024 (014)

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