

In the Context of Chinese-Style Education Modernization,School Management in Compulsory Education Stage:Its Fundamental Connotations,Key Issues,and Corresponding Strategies



Chinese-style education modernization is the path to building a strong education nation.Deepening the management mechanisms of schools in the compulsory education stage is an important aspect of school management in the context of Chinese-style education modernization.Currently,there are still issues of imbalance and inadequacy in the management of schools in the compulsory education stage in China,which hinders the development of school management.Therefore,promoting the management of schools in the compulsory education stage should firmly grasp the basic characteristics of Chinese-style education modernization.This includes balanced allocation of high-quality teacher resources,prioritizing the development of education in underprivileged areas,ensuring the quality of education among different regions through collaborative governance and sharing,expanding educational development through reform and innovation,implementing educational policies under the comprehensive leadership of the Communist Party,promoting diversified development through moral education,fostering synergies between families and schools,establishing a foundation of rule-based education rooted in China's land,in order to better meet people's demand for high-quality education.


北京师范大学教育学部(北京 100875)


Chinese-style education modernizationcompulsory education stageschool managementimbalanceinadequacy

《当代教育论坛》 2024 (004)

27-35 / 9
