

The Characteristics,Problems and Implementation Paths of Ideological and Political Education in Higher Vocational Colleges Under the Cooperation of Schools and Enterprises



Industry-Education integration and School-Enterprise cooperation have become the most distinctive feature of vocational education in the context of deepening the construction of modern vocational education system.As a kind of social practice aimed at helping people form ideological morality and behavioral habits that meet the requirements of the times and social needs,ideological and political education is the cornerstone of the education system and also an important guarantee to ensure a steady stream of successors of the cause of the Party and the construction of a socialist modernized country.Ideological and political education in the field of school-enterprise cooperation will become the major form in vocational schools in tertiary education,owing to the help of Industry-Education integration and School-Enterprise cooperation,especially the implementation of the practical teaching time stipulated by the Ministry of Education.However,some growing problems have emerged as the characteristics of higher vocational ideological and political education such as the complexity of the ideological education field,the diversification of content and forms and the diversification of objectives and learning ability have gradually become obvious.Therefore,new ideas and measures are urgently needed to design and construct a new model to promote the collaborative implementation of ideological and political education between colleges and enterprises.This passage mainly talks about goal coordination,process integration and achievement reference.Only in this way can we form a specific endogenous driving system,an integrated implementation pattern,and a dual-element evaluation system,ultimately achieving the overall goal of ideological education in higher vocational colleges.


湖南省教育科学研究院(长沙 410005)湖南艺术职业学院(长沙 410100)||湖南师范大学


Industry-Education integrationvocational collegesideological and political education

《当代教育论坛》 2024 (004)

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