

Scientific Consensus and Reflections on the Future Development of Plant-based Foods


自 2019 年起,我国植物基食品经过 5 年的发展已进入了平稳、有序发展期,已成为食品产业一个新的品类.根据中国食品科学技术学会的总结,全行业就植物基食品在其发展理念、营养特性、品质特性、加工技术和政策法规方面已形成了科学共识:发展植物基食品是食品产业实现资源高效利用和绿色低碳发展的重要途径;植物基食品可提供优质蛋白质,更有助于改善居民膳食结构;该类食品且充分发挥了其功能属性且与传统素食、斋食等有明显区别;其加工要充分实现产品的营养丰富、品质提升和风味优良的特点;植物基食品行业的规范发展需要相应的政策法规与标准支持.未来,该产业的发展应以市场多元化发展趋势为引导,以口味、价格和清洁标签为问题抓手,突破技术瓶颈,多角度思考,多元化选择,挖掘其潜在价值,实现全产业的稳步发展.

Since the development wave of plant-based food in China from 2019,the plant-based food industry has gone through a development process from"soaring and enthusiastic"to"calm and rational".The current development of the entire industry tends to be stable and orderly.After five years of developments,the understandings of plant-based food in its development concepts nutritional characteristics,quality characteristics,processing technology,and policy regulations have basically achieved consensus throughout the industry:Plant-based food is an important way for the food industry to achieve efficient resource utilization and green low-carbon development;plant-based food could provide high-quality protein,which is beneficial for improving the dietary structure of residents;plant-based food has a clear difference from traditional vegetarian food,and it gives full play to its functional properties;the processing of plant-based food should fully realize the nutritional enrichment,quality enhancement and excellent flavor of the products;and the standardized development of the plant-based food industry needs to be supported by the corresponding policies,regulations and standards.In the future,the development of plant-based food industry should be guided by the trend of diversified market development,taking taste,price and clean label as the main problems,breaking through technological bottlenecks,thinking from multiple perspectives,diversifying the choices,and exploring its potential value to achieve the steady progress of the entire industry.


植物蛋白与谷物加工北京市重点实验室/中国农业大学 食品科学与营养工程学院,北京 100083||北京康得利智能科技有限公司,北京 100074植物蛋白与谷物加工北京市重点实验室/中国农业大学 食品科学与营养工程学院,北京 100083



plant-based foodsscientific consensusplant-based meat productsplant-based dairy productsnutritional valuequality characteristics

《粮油食品科技》 2024 (004)

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山东省重点研发计划(2022CXGC010603) Key Research and Development Project of Shandong Province(No.2022CXGC010603)

