

Picking Dynamic Analysis and Experiment of Shovel-finger and Finger Roller Peanut Pickup Device


两段式收获是我国花生机械化收获的主要方式,捡拾装置是花生捡拾联合收获机核心部分之一.针对传统的弹齿滚筒凸轮滑道式捡拾装置存在的花生植株"壅堆""冲击"和"抛起"而造成荚果损失问题,在花生植株条铺捡拾特性研究基础上,发明并研制了一种新型铲齿-齿滚式花生捡拾装置.通过捡拾性能试验表明:花生植株条铺地面捡拾作业时,铲齿划入地表将花生植株条铺从地面铲起,捡拾齿完成花生植株后续的捡拾作业,但不划入地表.通过对花生植株在铲拾、挑拾、推送阶段的运动状态与受力分析,获得了影响运动状态的主要参数,以此为依据设计了铲齿、捡拾齿、护板等关键捡拾元件的总体结构.在此基础上建立了捡拾齿运动的数学模型,确定了影响捡拾齿运动轨迹的关键参数,并结合ADAMS运动仿真分析获得了捡拾工作参数配比范围.根据设计结果制作样机并进行运转试验,花生捡拾性能试验结果表明:新型铲齿-齿滚式花生捡拾装置用于花生捡拾过程中,不存在植株"壅堆"与"抛起"问题;通过响应面分析法及样机试验,获得捡拾装置最优工作参数为:前进速度Vm为48.0 m·min-1,转速N为45.3 r·min-1,离地高度H为-18 mm.在花生植株含水率15%~17%的两段收获条件下,花生植株捡拾率为98.9%,掉果损失率为2.8%.根据试验观察,捡拾过程中花生植株主要呈现横向捡拾、倾斜捡拾、纵向捡拾3种捡拾状态,能够适应果朝一侧的整齐放铺与散乱放铺捡拾作业,为今后两段式花生捡拾收获机捡拾装置的设计提供技术支撑.

Two-stage harvesting is the main way of peanut mechanized harvesting,and the pickup device is a core parts of the combined combined harvester.In order to solve the problem of pod loss caused by"stack","impact"and"throw up"of peanut plants of traditional cam slide spring-finger cylinder pickup device,the shovel-finger and finger roller peanut pickup device was invented and developed for picking up performance test on the basis of studying the peanut plant windrow picking characteristics.The peanut windrow pickup test shows that shovel-finger insert into the soil surface and shovel up peanut windrow,pickup fingers complete the follow-up picking work but not into the soil surface.The main parameters affecting the motion state were obtained by the motion state and force analysis of peanut plants in the shoveling,picking and pushing stages.The overall structure of shovel-finger,pickup-finger and shell were designed based on the parameters.On this basis,the mathematical model of pickup finger motion is established,the key parameters affecting the pickup motion trajectory are determined,and the range of pickup parameters is obtained by ADAMS motion simulation.According to the optimized design results,the prototype was developed,the running and picked up performance were corried out test.The results show that,the phenomenon of peanut plants stacking and throwing disappeared;through response surface analysis and prototype test,the optimal working parameters of the picking device were obtained as follows:the forward speed Vm was 48.0 m·min-1,the rotational speed N was 45.3 r·min-1,and the ground height H was-18 mm.The picking rate of peanut plants was 98.9% and the pod loss rate was 2.8% under two harvesting conditions of peanut plant moisture content of 15%-17% .According to the experimental observation,the peanut plants mainly showed three kinds of picking states in the picking process:normal windrow,oblique windrow and parallel windrow on the forward direction,which could adapt to the neat and scattered windrow of peanut plants.It will provide technical support for the design of the picking device for the two-stage peanut pickup harvester in the future


辽宁石油化工大学机械工程学院,辽宁抚顺 113001沈阳农业大学工程学院,沈阳 110161吉林农业大学工程技术学院,长春 130118沈阳农业大学工程学院,沈阳 110161沈阳农业大学工程学院,沈阳 110161沈阳农业大学工程学院,沈阳 110161



peanut plantshovel-fingerpickup mechanismmotion analysis

《沈阳农业大学学报》 2024 (4)



