

Effect of Altitude on the Fruit Quality and Agronomic Traits of'Guifei'Mango


海拔对于云南芒果种植影响巨大,为研究海拔对芒果果实品质以及农艺性状的影响,本文以元江县的'贵妃'芒作为研究对象,分析了979.1、802.20、386.0 m三个海拔下'贵妃'芒的农艺性状和果实品质.结果表明,海拔对树高、主干高度等农艺性状没有明显影响;在叶片长度、叶片宽度、叶柄长方面,海拔 386.0 m的优于海拔 802.2、979.1 m,且差异明显.单果质量、果实纵径等果实性状,在海拔 802.2 m时最好.总糖、总酸随着海拔的升高而降低;海拔对蛋白质的影响较小;综合农艺性状、果实品质得出,海拔 802.2 m优于 386.0、979.1 m.海拔对芒果生长发育的影响研究,对芒果最适种植区域的选择具有重要意义.

The altitude has a huge impact on mango cultivation in Yunnan province.In order to study the effect of altitude on the quality and agronomic traits of mangoes,this article taked'Guifei'mango from Yuanjiang county as the research object,and measured the agronomic traits and fruit quality of'Guifei'mango at three altitudes of 979.1,802.20 m,and 386.0 m.The results showed that altitude had no significant effect on agronomic traits such as tree height and trunk height.In terms of leaf length,leaf width,and petiole length,the altitude of 386.0 m was superior to those at 802.2 m and 979.1 m,and the difference was significant.The fruit traits such as single fruit weight and longitudinal diameter at different altitudes were best at an altitude of 802.2 m.As the altitude increased,the total sugar and total acid decreased.The influence of altitude on protein was relatively small.The comprehensive fruit quality indicated that the altitude of 802.2 m was better than that of 386.0 m and 979.1 m.Studying the impact of altitude on the growth and development of mangoes was of great significance for selecting the most suitable planting areas for mangoes.


云南省农业科学院热带亚热带经济作物研究所,云南保山 678000保山市隆阳区河图街道办事处农林综合服务中心,云南保山 678000



Altitudemangofruit qualityagronomic traits

《中国果菜》 2024 (007)

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