

Fertilization Schemes for Soil Carbon Storage and Microbial Activity Enhancement of Open Field Pepper Production


河北露地辣椒种植历史悠久,但生产中粗放的养分管理,导致土壤有机质消耗,植株抗逆性差,连作障碍频发.本文基于露地辣椒生产固碳增活施肥技术,围绕肥料养分均衡减量、有机替代固碳增效、菌剂滴灌沃土增活 3 项核心内容,从肥料养分总量推荐、有机物料多源配施、滴灌肥水协同运筹等方面制定了河北露地辣椒生产固碳增活全程施肥解决方案,并对比四种固碳技术模式应用效果,发现基施多样化来源的有机物料朝天椒增产效果优于单一有机物料,优选牛粪堆肥+秸秆类生物炭模式或牛粪堆肥+玉米秸秆+秸秆类生物炭技术模式(秸秆还田条件),以助力传统辣椒产区耕地保护与土壤质量提升,促进种植户养分管理由盲目粗放向合理精准转变.

Hebei open-field pepper cultivation has a long history,but extensive nutrient management has led to soil organic matter depletion,poor plant stress resistance and frequent continuous cropping obstacles.The fertilization strategy used in this article for promoting soil carbon sequestration and bio-activation of open-field pepper production integrated three technical contents:balanced reduction of fertilizer nutrients,organic substitution for promoting carbon sequestration and nutrient efficiency,and drip irrigation with beneficial microbes for soil bio-activation.Based on this strategy,a whole-process fertilization solution,including the recommendation of fertilizer nutrients,multi-source combined application of organic fertilizer and coordinated operation of dripping microbial agents and soluble fertilizer,had been developed for improving soil quality and protect cultivated land in traditional open-field pepper production areas.By comparing the application effects of four carbon sequestration technology models,it was found that the yield increase effect of organic material pepper with diversified sources of basal application was better than that of single organic material.The optimal model was cow manure compost+straw biochar,or cow manure compost+corn straw+straw biochar technology model(straw returning conditions).It helped to promote the nutrient management of growers from blind and extensive to reasonable and accurate.Prospects for the application of technology was broad.


河北省农林科学院农业资源环境研究所,河北石家庄 050051石家庄市农林科学研究院,河北石家庄 050041河北田加力生物科技股份有限公司,河北邢台 055150



Open field peppersoil carbon storage and microbial activity enhancementorganic fertilizersmicrobial agentsdrip irrigation

《中国果菜》 2024 (007)

74-80 / 7


