

Effects of five Chinese herbal extracts on the fermentation of ergothioneine from Pleurotus ostreatus


为了提高食用菌液体发酵产麦角硫因的产量,以糙皮侧耳(Pleurotus ostreatus)P105为发酵菌种,探讨了五种中草药提取液(党参、茯苓、薏苡仁、枸杞子和甘草)对其摇瓶发酵的影响.通过分析测定菌丝体生物量和麦角硫因产量,发现添加中草药复配提取液的效果明显优于对照组,其中添加枸杞子和党参的复配提取液最佳,菌丝体生物量为25.89 g/L,高于对照组7.31 g/L,麦角硫因产量为7.67 mg/L,高于对照组1.85 mg/L.利用响应面分析法,优化发酵工艺参数,得到最佳发酵条件:枸杞子/党参提取液添加比例为2.1∶1,pH 6.5,转速165 r/min,接种量8%.在此条件下,麦角硫因产量可达到8.53 mg/L,比优化前提高了 4.61倍.本研究为利用中草药提取液促进糙皮侧耳发酵生产麦角硫因提供了新的思路和理论依据.

In order to enhance the production of ergothioneine through liquid fermentation of edible fungi,the effects of five Chinese herbal extracts(Codonopsis,Poria,Coix Kernel,Goji Berry and Licorice)on yield of ergothioneine were investigated using Pleurotus ostreatus P105 as the fermentation strain in shake flask fermentation.Analysis of mycelium biomass and ergothioneine yield revealed that the addition of the Chinese herbal compound extract significantly improved outcomes compared to the control.Notably,the combination of goji berry and codonopsis extracts was most effective,yielding a mycelial biomass of 25.89 g/L(7.31 g/L higher than the control)and an ergothioneine yield of 7.67 mg/L(1.85 mg/L higher than the control).The response surface analysis method was used to optimize the fermentation process.The optimal fermentation conditions were as follows:the ratio of goji berry/codonopsis extract of 2.1∶1,pH 6.5,agitation speed of 165 r/min,and inoculation amount of 8%.Under these conditions,the yield of ergothioneine could reach 8.53 mg/L,which was 4.61 times higher than the pre-optimization yield.This research suggests a novel approach and provides a theoretical foundation for using Chinese herbal extracts to enhance ergothioneine production in Pleurotus ostreatus fermentation.


湖北工业大学生物工程与食品学院,武汉 430068||工业发酵省部共建协同创新中心,武汉 430068湖北工业大学工程技术学院,武汉 430068



ergothioneineChinese herbal extractsliquid fermentationresponse surface methodology

《中国食品添加剂》 2024 (007)

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