

Comparison of the effects of aqueous extracts from sour jujube kernel and raw Rehmannia on sleep improvement in mice


对酸枣仁水提物和生地黄水提物改善小鼠睡眠的作用进行比较评价.以酸枣仁水提物和生地黄水提物低、中、高剂量(18.75、37.50、75.00 mg/kg)分别连续灌胃小鼠30d,借助直接睡眠实验、延长戊巴比妥钠睡眠时间实验、戊巴比妥钠阈下剂量催眠实验及巴比妥钠睡眠潜伏期实验分析改善睡眠效果,并检测小鼠脑组织中的5羟色胺(5-hydroxytryptamine,5-HT)、去甲肾上腺素(norepinephrine,NE)及多巴胺(dopamine,DA)的含量,研究酸枣仁水提物和生地黄水提物改善睡眠的作用.结果显示:与对照组相比,酸枣仁和生地黄水提物均可以改善小鼠的睡眠作用,而且可以延长戊巴比妥钠诱导小鼠睡眠时间;酸枣仁水提物组睡眠延长率明显优于生地黄水提物组.因此,酸枣仁水提物和生地黄水提物具有改善睡眠的作用与其能调节脑内神经递质的含量有关,酸枣仁水提物在改善小鼠睡眠方面比生地黄水提物具有更大的潜力.

The study compared the effects of aqueous extracts from jujube kernel and raw Rehmannia on improving sleep in mice.Mice were orally administered low,medium,and high doses of jujube kernel aqueous extract(18.75,37.50,75.00 mg/kg)and of raw Rehmannia aqueous extract(75.00,150.00,300.00 mg/kg)for 30 days respectively.Sleep improvement was assessed through direct sleep experiments,pentobarbital-induced sleep extension experiments,sub-threshold pentobarbital hypnosis experiments,and pentobarbital sleep latency experiments.Levels of 5-hydroxytryptamine(5-HT),norepinephrine(NE),and dopamine(DA)in mouse brain tissue were measured to evaluate the sleep-improving effects of aqueous extracts from sour jujube kernel and raw Rehmannia.The results indicated that both jujube kernel and raw Rehmannia aqueous extracts enhanced sleep and extended sleep duration in mice,with jujube kernel extract showing a significantly better sleep extension rate compared to raw Rehmannia aqueous extracts.The study concluded that the sleep-improving effects of jujube kernel and raw Rehmannia aqueous extracts were linked to their ability to modulate brain levels of 5-HT,NE,and DA.The jujube kernel demonstrated a higher potential for improving sleep in mice.


西北大学化工学院,西安 710000||西北大学生物医药研究院,西安 710000



sour jujube kernel aqueous extractraw Rehmannia aqueous extractmicesleep improvement

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