

Assessment of single and joint toxic effects of Ca2+,Mg2+and K+based on luminescent bacteria method


采矿、农业和工业排放等人类活动加剧了淡水生态系统的盐碱化,但与盐碱化相关的毒性评价仍处于研究阶段.为了进一步阐明盐碱化相关离子的生物毒性效应,以明亮发光杆菌T3菌为供试菌株,考察了与盐碱化相关的阳离子Ca2+、Mg2+、K+的单一及二元混合物的毒性效应区间和毒性兴奋刺激效应区间,并基于发光损伤和氧化应激2个方面探究了3种阳离子及其二元混合物的毒性机理.研究结果表明:在单一毒性工况下,Ca2+、Mg2+毒性相近,抑制发光亮度一半时的浓度即半数效应浓度(EC50)分别为335.5 mmol/L,333.3 mmol/L,K+的毒性响应与Mg2+、Ca2+不同,T3菌对K+表现出很高的耐受性;3种单一阳离子及二元混合物实验组均出现了毒性兴奋效应(Hormesis),但刺激响应及相应的浓度区间不同,联合毒性具有组分和浓度比依赖性,二元混合毒性由高到低的顺序为Ca2+-Mg2+、Ca2+-K+、Mg2+-K+,Ca2+的存在会增加混合物的毒性;Ca2+-Mg2+二元混合物诱发氧化应激,产生毒性协同作用,二元混合物中K+的存在减弱了氧化应激,降低了联合毒性,部分表现出拮抗作用.

Freshwater salinization is aggravated by human activities such as mining,agriculture and industrial discharges.However,toxicity assessments related to salinization are still at the research stage.In order to further elucidate the biotoxicity effects of salinization-associated ions,the toxicity effect intervals and toxic excitatory stimulation effect intervals of single and binary mixtures of salinization-associated cations,Ca2+,Mg2+and K+were examined,by using Photobacterium phosphoreum T3 as test strain.The toxicity mechanisms of three cations and their binary mixtures were explored from oxidative stress and luminescence damage.The results show that the single toxicity of Ca2+and Mg2+is similar,and the EC50 is 335.5 mmol/L and 333.3 mmol/L,respectively.The toxicity response of K+is different from that of Mg2+and Ca2+,and the T3 strain shows high tolerance to K+.All three cations exhibit Hormesis but shows different Hormetic responses and corresponding concentration ranges.All experimental groups of the mixture manifests a Hormetic effect in Photobacterium phosphoreum T3,and the joint toxicity represents component and concentration ratio dependence,the order of binary mixture toxicity from highest to lowest is Ca2+-Mg2+,Ca2+-K+,Mg2+-K+,and the presence of Ca2+may increase the toxicity of the mixture.The Ca2+-Mg2+binary mixture may induce oxidative stress and cause a synergistic effect.The presence of K+in a binary mixture may weaken oxidative stress and joint toxicity,showing an antagonistic effect.





Hormesisantagonismsynergyindependent addition modeloxidative damage

《中南大学学报(自然科学版)》 2024 (6)


国家重点研发计划项目(2019YFB2103003)(Project(2019YFB2103003)supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China

