Statistical Measurement and Dynamic Evolution of China's New Quality Productivity Development Level
文章基于新质生产力的内涵,从新技术、新经济和新业态三个维度构建中国新质生产力发展水平评价指标体系,采用熵值法对中国新质生产力发展水平进行统计测度,运用Dagum基尼系数分解方法解构新质生产力发展水平的空间差异特征,采用Kernel密度估计和Moran's I揭示其空间演变趋势及空间相关性.研究发现:中国新质生产力发展水平总体上呈现上升态势;东部地区发展水平遥遥领先,区域非均衡发展态势明显.中国新质生产力发展水平总体差异呈波动上升态势,区域间差异是主要来源.全国和四大地区的核密度曲线主峰位置均呈现右移态势,并存在右拖尾现象.新质生产力发展水平存在显著的空间相关性,呈现"高-高""低-低"集聚的现象.
Based on the connotation of new quality productivity,this paper constructs an evaluation index system for the de-velopment level of China's new quality productivity from the three dimensions of new technology,new economy and new business forms,adopts the entropy method to conduct statistical measurement of the development level of China's new quality productivity,uses the Dagum Gini coefficient decomposition method to deconstruct the spatial differences of the development level of new quali-ty productivity,and finally uses Kernel density estimation and Moran's index to reveal the spatial evolution trend and spatial cor-relation.The results go as below:The development level of China's new quality productivity presents a rising trend on the whole.The development level of the eastern region is far ahead,and the trend of regional unbalanced development is obvious.The overall difference in the development level of new quality productivity in China is fluctuating and rising,and the regional difference is the main source.The main peak position of the Kernel density curve in the whole country and the four major regions shows a right-shifting trend,and there is a right-tailing phenomenon.The development level of new quality productivity has significant spatial correlation,showing the phenomenon of high-high and low-low agglomeration.
山东建筑大学 商学院,济南 250101山东财经大学 经济学院,济南 250014||山东财经大学 高质量发展研究中心,济南 250014
new quality productivityregional differencedynamic evolutionregional coordination
《统计与决策》 2024 (14)