

Rapid identification and application of raw milk based on ultra-fast electronic nose


利用超快速电子鼻检测法快速鉴别不同地区生乳气味信息及异常乳检测应用.收集巴彦淖尔、达拉特旗、林格尔、凉城和宁夏 5 个地区生乳样品,利用电子鼻对其进行检测,建立指纹图谱,结合保留指数和AroChemBase数据库对生乳样品气味成分进行定性分析,利用主成分分析(PCA)、软独立建模分析(SIMCA)和判别因子分析(DFA)对生乳的香气特征进行分类预测、快速识别.结果表明,不同样品间可以快速区分,5 个地区生乳样品在异丙醇和 2-丁酮的特征峰面积含量上有主要差异.与生乳相比,异常乳可能的主要差异化合物为乙醇、异戊醛、2-甲基丁醛、2-乙基呋喃和 3-甲基-2-丁烯-1-醇,并在异常乳中产生了麦芽味、发酵味、酸味以及油腻味等不良气味.DFA判别因子累计区分指数 100%,可以有效区分生乳和异常乳.综上所述,超快速电子鼻能够较好分析生乳气味信息,并快速、有效地鉴别生乳质量.

The odor information of raw milk from different regions was quickly identified and the application of abnormal milk was detection by ultra-fast electronic nose detection.Raw milk samples selected from five different regions(Bayannur,Dalate County,Horinger,Liangcheng and Ningxia)were detected by ultra-fast electronic nose,and fingerprints were established.Combined with retention index and AroChemBase database,the aroma components of raw milk samples were qualitatively analyzed.The aroma characteristics of raw milk were classified,predicted and quickly identified by principal component analysis(PCA),soft independent modeling of class analysis(SIMCA)and discriminant factor analysis(DFA).The results showed that different samples could be quickly distinguished,and significant differences were observed in the peak area content of isopropanol and 2-butanone in raw milk samples from the five regions.In addition,compared with raw milk,the main differing compounds in abnormal milk were ethanol,3-methylbutanal,2-methylbutanal,2-ethyl furan and 3-methylbut-2-en-1-ol,and some unpleasant smells such as malt taste,fermented taste,sour taste and greasy taste were produced in abnormal milk.The cumulative discriminant index of DFA discriminant factor was 100%,which could effectively distinguish raw milk from abnormal milk.To sum up,ultra-fast electronic nose could well analyze the odor information of raw milk,and quickly and effectively identify the quality of raw milk.


内蒙古蒙牛高科乳业有限公司,呼和浩特 011500内蒙古蒙牛乳业(集团)股份有限公司,呼和浩特 011500



raw milkultra-fast electronic nosevolatile componentsdetection and analysis

《中国食品添加剂》 2024 (008)

208-216 / 9


