

Opportunities,Dilemmas and Breakthroughs:Construction of Teachers Team for 2035


党的二十大明确提出,2035 年建成教育强国.2024 年是组织实施教育强国建设规划纲要的启动之年,2025 年将进入建成教育强国十年冲刺倒计时,在这一重要时间节点,全面梳理教师队伍建设面临的机遇与困境,探究高质量教师队伍建设破局之道,对以高质量教师队伍支撑高质量教育发展有着重要意义.党的十八大以来,教师队伍建设取得历史性成就,迎来前所未有的发展机遇.然而,对标教育强国目标,当前师德师风建设、师范教育、中小学教师结构质量、职教教师发展、高校教师服务国家重大战略能力等方面还有待进一步提升.应坚持"三位一体"发力,大力弘扬教育家精神,推进教师队伍培养和制度建设,加强师德师风建设,打造面向2035 的高素质专业化教师队伍,以教师之强支撑教育之强.

2024 is the starting year for organizing and implementing the outline of the plan for building a powerful country in education.2025 is the ten-year countdown to make China a leading country in education,in which it is of great significance to comprehensively explore the opportunities,dilemmas and breakthroughs in the construction of teachers team.Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,great achievements have been made in the construction of teachers team.However,in line with the destination of being education power,the construction of the teacher ethics,the characteris-tics of Chinese teacher education,the structure and quality of primary and secondary school teachers,the construction of vo-cational teachers and college teachers,needs to be promoted further.It is significant to carry vigorously forward the spirit of educators,to promote comprehensively the training and managing systems of teachers team,to strengthen the construction of the teacher ethics,adhering to the trinity to construct a high-quality teachers team for 2035,supporting the education power.


国家开放大学,北京 100039



construction of teachers teampowerful country in educationthe construction of teacher ethicsteacher educa-tion

《教师教育研究》 2024 (004)

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