

The Implementation Risk of Teacher Education Policy of"National Excellence Teacher Program"and Its Countermeasures



The"National Excellence Teacher Program"is the education system's response to the 20th Party Congress re-port's policy initiative of integrating education,science and technology,and human resources,with the implicit logic of pol-icy support for the construction of a strong education nation,but the risks of implementation have hampered the realization of the policy goals and tasks.Based on Smith's policy implementation process model,the risk of teacher education policy im-plementation is examined through the analysis of four policy implementation process influencing factors:idealized policy,implementation organization,target group,and policy environment.It is suggested that,in the dimension of refinement of policy measures,the institutional mechanism of cultivation should be improved to guarantee the effectiveness of policy imple-mentation;in the dimension of synergy of implementing organizations,a community of joint cultivation between large,medi-um and small schools should be set up to cultivate excellent teachers;in the dimension of specialization of target groups,the identity of graduate science teachers should be shaped to show the spiritual connotation of the policy;in the dimension of in-stitutionalization of the policy environment,the establishment of a friendly economic and social environment should be made to ensure the implementation of the policy.In this way,the policy implementation risks are avoided,and the"National Ex-cellence Teacher Program"is promoted to cultivate high-quality science teachers at the graduate level.


首都师范大学教师教育学院,北京 100037



National Excellence Teacher Programteacher educationpolicy implementation processscience teachers

《教师教育研究》 2024 (004)

40-46 / 7

