

Primary and Secondary School Teachers Lack Sense of Harvest Due to Online Training


教师在线培训获得感是教师持续参与在线培训的重要动力源泉.为探明中小学教师在线培训"低获得感"的真实成因,研究借助定性比较分析方法,利用"个体特征—培训设计—环境保障"分析框架,对 462 名参训教师进行调查.结果发现:造成教师在线培训"低获得感"的原因可归纳为"寡欲无求、疲于应对、教非所用",而教师在线培训"高获得感"的原因则可总结为"内外兼备".通过对核心条件和外围条件的对比,发现工作负担过重、培训内容安排不合理是导致培训"低获得感"的关键因素.面对在线培训教师低获得感这一问题,培训方需提升在线培训产品与教师需求的适配度,学校应切实减轻教师工作负担,政府当积极营造教师职业发展空间.

Teachers'sense of access to online training is an important source of motivation for teachers'continuous partici-pation in online training.In order to find out the real causes of the"low accessibility"of online training for primary and sec-ondary school teachers,we investigated 462 participating teachers with the help of the qualitative comparative analysis meth-od and the analytical framework of"individual characteristics-training design-environmental guarantee".It was found that the reasons for the"low sense of acquisition"of teachers'online training can be summarized as"little desire and no de-mand,tired of coping,and not used for teaching",while the reasons for the"high sense of acquisition"of teachers'online training can be summarized as"little desire and no demand,tired of coping,and not used for teaching".The reason for"high accessibility"of online training for teachers can be summarized as"both internal and external conditions".By com-paring the core and peripheral conditions,it is found that excessive workload and unreasonable arrangement of training con-tents are the key factors leading to the"low accessibility"of training.In the face of the problem of low accessibility of on-line training for teachers,training providers need to improve the compatibility of online training products with teachers'needs,schools should reduce teachers'workload,and the government should actively create space for teachers'profession-al development.


四川师范大学基础教育研究院,四川成都 610066西南大学教育学部,重庆 400715西南大学西南民族教育与心理研究中心,重庆 400715



online trainingelementary and secondary school teacherstraining access

《教师教育研究》 2024 (004)

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