

How Does Educational Internship Support Enhance Teacher Commitment Among Normal Students?


教师承诺作为教师职业素质的重要组成部分,能够驱动个体选择从事并充分投入教师工作,而教育实习是提高师范生教师承诺的关键举措.为改善我国欠发达地区的师资供给、促进基础教育优质均衡发展,实习支教成为师范生教育实习的一种重要形式.本研究关注如何有效提升实习支教师范生的教师承诺.基于混合方法研究设计,对610 名师范生的问卷数据和45 名师范生访谈文本进行分析发现:教育实习支持对实习支教师范生的教师承诺有显著的正向预测作用,专业发展能动性在影响路径中发挥部分中介效应,师范生的教师承诺在实习支教场域下出现了类型分化.据此建议切实加强实习支教中的教学指导、情感交流和物质保障,激发实习支教师范生的专业发展能动性.

Teacher commitment,as an important component of teachers'professional quality,can drive individuals to choose and fully engage in teaching work,and educational internship is a key measure to cultivate normal students'teacher commitment.In order to improve the supply of teachers in underdeveloped areas of China and promote the balanced develop-ment of quality basic education,Dinggang internship has become an important form of educational internships for normal students.This study focuses on how to effectively improve the teacher commitment of student teachers in Dinggang intern-ship.Based on a mixed-method research design,an analysis of questionnaire data from 610 normal students from five normal universities in the northwest and interview texts from 45 normal students revealed that:Educational internship support has a significant positive predictive effect on the teacher commitment of normal students participating in Dinggang internship,and professional development agency plays a partial mediating effect in the influence path.The teacher commitment of normal students has differentiated under the field of Dinggang internship.Based on this,it is recommended to strengthen teaching guidance,emotional communication,and material security in Dinggang internship,and stimulate the professional develop-ment agency of normal students participating in Dinggang internship.


南京大学教育研究院,江苏南京 210023北京大学教育学院,北京 100871



educational internship supportteacher commitmentprofessional development agencyDinggang internshipnormal students

《教师教育研究》 2024 (004)

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