

The Influence of Teacher-students'Positive Emotional Expression Consistency on Middle School Students'Learning Engagement


近年来,师生情感互动愈发引起关注.本研究整合了互动仪式链和人与环境匹配理论,采用多项式回归与响应面分析技术,以40 位中学教师和482 位中学生为被试,通过问卷调查法探讨师生积极情感表达一致性对中学生学习投入的影响关系及情感反应的中介效应.研究发现,在师生积极情感表达一致的情况下,师生情感表达双高一致性对学生的情感反应具有更显著的影响;而在师生积极情感表达不一致的情况下,相较于教师低/学生高的状态而言,教师高/学生低产生的影响更为显著.进一步研究发现,师生积极情感表达一致性通过影响学生的情感反应来促进其学习投入行为水平.本研究深化了积极情感表达一致性对学习投入影响的过程机制,可为教育干预实践提供理论支持.

In recent years,the emotional interaction between teachers and students has attracted more and more attention.This study integrates the theory of interactive ritual chain and person-environment matching,uses polynomial regression and response surface analysis techniques,and takes 40 middle school teachers and 482 middle school students as subjects to ex-plore the influence of the consistency of positive emotional expression between teachers and students on students'learning engagement and the mediating effect of emotional response through questionnaire survey.The study found that in the case of consistent positive emotional expression between teachers and students,the high consistency of emotional expression between teachers and students has a more significant impact on students'emotional response;in the case of inconsistent positive e-motional expression between teachers and students,the impact of teacher high/student low is more significant than that of teacher low/student high.Further research found that the consistency of positive emotional expression between teachers and students promotes the level of students'learning engagement behavior by affecting their emotional response.This study deepens the process mechanism of the influence of positive emotional expression consistency on learning engagement,which can provide theoretical support for educational intervention practice.


湖南师范大学教育科学学院,湖南长沙 410081湖南师范大学体育学院,湖南长沙 410081



positive emotional expressionconsistencylearning engagementinfluence

《教师教育研究》 2024 (004)

72-80 / 9

