

How to Select"Good Mentor"?



Based on the text analysis of the selection scheme of"good mentor"in China's"double first-class"construction universities,it is found that the selection system of"good mentor"in various universities presents the following characteris-tics:In the recommendation link,emphasizing others'recommendation mainly,multiple ways of recommendation coexist.On the evaluation subject,the emphasis is on multiple participation,dominant graduate students.In terms of selection crite-ria,the mentors'qualities are attached importance,but interaction quality with mentees are ignored.In the selection meth-od,voting or scoring is emphasized based on qualitative materials.In the incentive link,various incentive types are empha-sized,and the recognition of the achievements of the mentors is dominant.The selection system of"good mentor"in various schools generally overlook the professional value of mentors based on education,permeates with a tool-oriented value orienta-tion mainly based on quantitative evaluation,and still lacks humanistic value care for the professional development of men-tors.It is recommended that each school optimize the relevant selection system for"good mentor"to further play their lead-ing role in the construction of the mentor team.


天津大学教育学院,天津 300354



good mentorselection system"Double first-class"Construction of Universities

《教师教育研究》 2024 (004)

81-88 / 8

