A fishing behavior detection method based on an improved YOLOv8 algorithm
为实现对灌区垂钓活动的智能化精准识别,提出一种基于改进 YOLOv8 算法的垂钓活动监测方法.该方法在YOLOv8的骨干网络中添加多尺度特征融合模块(Conv-M),用来学习来自不同卷积层(Conv)的特征,同时利用自学习的权重系数对特征进行加权融合,增强网络对垂钓活动的特征提取能力.通过训练网络得到垂钓活动监测模型,实现对视频图像数据中的垂钓活动进行检测和识别.该方法相较于YOLOv8方法的查准率提高了 1.1%,查全率提高了1.4%,平均识别精度提高了0.9%.研究成果可提高灌区垂钓活动监管的智能化水平.
In order to realize the intelligent and accurate identification of fishing behavior in irrigation district,an improved CM-YOLOv8 fishing behavior detection method was proposed. This method added a multi-scale feature fusion module (Conv-M)!to the backbone network of YOLOv8 to learn features from different Conv layers. At the same time,the self-learning weight coefficient was used to weight the features,so as to enhance the ability of the network to extract features from fishing behavior. The fishing behavior detection model was obtained by training the network,and then the fishing behavior in the video image data was detected and recognized. Experimental results on Fish-Data showed that compared with YOLOv8,the proposed method can increase precision by 1.1%,and recall by 1.4%,and mean average precision increased by 0.9%. The results could improve the intelligent level of supervision of fishing behavior in irrigation district.
安徽省淠史杭灌区管理总局科技信息中心,安徽 六安 237000
YOLOv8Conv-Mdigital irrigation districtfishing behavior regulation
《江淮水利科技》 2024 (4)