Marine Ship Trajectory Prediction Method Based on Transformer
海上船舶的轨迹预测在船舶安全运行和海上监管方面有着重要的应用前景.针对海上船舶的轨迹预测问题,论文提出基于Transformer的海上船舶轨迹预测方法.首先,对轨迹数据进行预处理,剔除其中的停泊点和异常点,然后使用轨迹重采样技术实现轨迹的等时间间隔的采样,从而减少时序特征对轨迹预测的影响;然后,借鉴GeoHash技术空间剖分的理念,论文通过将经纬度等距切分并用one-hot进行表示,然后将经纬度的one-hot向量进行拼接,从而将其转换为高维嵌入空间;最后,使用Transformer技术对轨迹进行预测.结果表明:相比于RNN、LSTM、卡尔曼滤波方法,论文方法在30 min和60 min的轨迹预测精度方面有了较大的性能提升.
The trajectory prediction of marine ship has an important application prospect in the safe operation and marine su-pervision.Aiming at the problem of ship trajectory prediction,this paper proposes Transformer based marine ship trajectory predic-tion method.First,the trajectory data is preprocessed to eliminate the mooring points and abnormal points,and then the trajectory resampling technology is used to achieve the equal time interval sampling of the trajectory,so as to reduce the impact of time series characteristics on trajectory prediction.Then,drawing on the concept space subdivision of GeoHash technology,this paper divides longitude and latitude equally,and then converts it into high-dimensional embedded space by equidistant segmentation of longitude and latitude and one pot representation.Finally,the Transformer technology is used to predict the trajectory.The results show that compared with RNN,LSTM and Kalman filtering methods,the method in this paper has a greater performance improvement in 30 min and 60 min trajectory prediction accuracy.
91977部队 北京 10003691977部队 北京 100036
Transformership trajectory predictiondata encodingfeature extraction
《舰船电子工程》 2024 (6)