期刊信息/Journal information







极端条件下的物质与辐射(英文)/Journal Matter and Radiation at Extremes (MRE)CSCD

    The acceleration of a high-charge electron bunch to 10 GeV in a 10-cm nanoparticle-assisted wakefield accelerator

    Constantin Aniculaesei;Thanh Ha;Samuel Yoffe;Lance Labun;Stephen Milton;Edward McCary;Michael M.Spinks;Hernan J.Quevedo;Ou Z.Labun;Ritwik Sain;Andrea Hannasch;Rafal Zgadzaj;Isabella Pagano;Jose A.Franco-Altamirano;Martin L.Ringuette;Erhart Gaul;Scott V.Luedtke;Ganesh Tiwari;Bernhard Ersfeld;Enrico Brunetti;Hartmut Ruhl;Todd Ditmire;Sandra Bruce;Michael E.Donovan;Michael C.Downer;Dino A.Jaroszynski;Bjorn Manuel Hegelich;P.15-24

    Combining stochastic density functional theory with deep potential molecular dynamics to study warm dense matter

    Tao Chen;Qianrui Liu;Yu Liu;Liang Sun;Mohan Chen;P.44-57

    Ion emission from warm dense matter produced by irradiation with a soft x-ray free-electron laser

    Josef Krása;Tomás Burian;Vera Hájková;Jaromír Chalupský;Šimon Jelínek;Katerina Frantálová;Michal Krupka;Zuzana Kuglerová;Sushil Kumar Singh;Vojtech Vozda;Ludek Vysín;MichalŠmíd;Pablo Perez-Martin;Marion Kühlman;Juan Pintor;Jakub Cikhardt;Matthias Dreimann;Dennis Eckermann;Felix Rosenthal;Sam M.Vinko;Alessandro Forte;Thomas Gawne;Thomas Campbell;Shenyuan Ren;YuanFeng Shi;Trevor Hutchinson;Oliver Humphries;Thomas Preston;Mikako Makita;Motoaki Nakatsutsumi;Xiayun Pan;Alexander Köhler;Marion Harmand;Sven Toleikis;Katerina Falk;Libor Juha;P.71-84

    Nonstationary laser-supported ionization wave in layer of porous substance with subcritical density

    S.Yu Gus’kov;R.A.Yakhin;P.58-70

    Growth of ablative Rayleigh-Taylor instability induced by time-varying heat-flux perturbation

    Yang Liu;De-Hua Zhang;Jing-Fei Xin;Yudong Pu;Jun Li;Tao Tao;Dejun Sun;Rui Yan;Jian Zheng;P.85-93

    Resistive field generation in intense proton beam interaction with solid targets


    Backward scattering of laser plasma interactions from hundreds-of-joules broadband laser on thick target

    Peipei Wang;Honghai An;Zhiheng Fang;Jun Xiong;Zhiyong Xie;Chen Wang;Zhiyu He;Guo Jia;Ruirong Wang;Shu Zheng;Lan Xia;Wei Feng;Haitao Shi;Wei Wang;Jinren Sun;Yanqi Gao;Sizu Fu;P.5-14

    Semi-hydro-equivalent design and performance extrapolation between 100 kJ-scale and NIF-scale indirect drive implosion

    Huasen Zhang;Dongguo Kang;Changshu Wu;Liang Hao;Hao Shen;Shiyang Zou;Shaoping Zhu;Yongkun Ding;P.25-34

    Design of high-temperature superconductors at moderate pressures by alloying AlH3 or GaH3

    Xiaowei Liang;Xudong Wei;Eva Zurek;Aitor Bergara;Peifang Li;Guoying Gao;Yongjun Tian;P.94-103

    Relay,for a better MRE!
