

The Logic and Practical Approach of Empowering Teachers with Resilience in Their Professional Lives



Currently,with the deepening of education reform,it is increasingly becoming a social public will to enhance the motivation of the teaching profession,stimulate the vitality of the teaching profession,and promote education reform and so-cial change on the basis of realizing the development and growth of the teaching profession.As a dynamic development con-cept determined by multiple dimensions and multiple factors,Resilience builds a theoretical framework for understanding the recovery and development of individual teachers in society.In teachers'professional life,resilience takes debugging teach-ers'professional pressure as the basic logic,enhancing teachers'emotional energy as the essential core,boosting teachers'endogenous development as the target direction,and reshaping teachers'professional ecology as the value purpose.In the context of the new era,in order to efficiently empower teachers'professional life and become their professional capital,re-silience must have a practical change strategy and strategic planning.That is through the linkage and synergy of the sub-ject's kinetic level,the resource level and the risk level,to form a powerful teacher resilience system,which will then con-tribute to a solid and high-quality development.


宁夏师范学院教育科学学院,宁夏固原 756000西北师范大学教育科学学院,甘肃兰州 730070



resilienceteachers'professional lifeempowerment logicpractical approach

《教师教育研究》 2024 (003)

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