期刊信息/Journal information
药物分析学报(英文)/Journal Journal of Pharmaceutical AnalysisCSCDSCI
《药物分析学报(英文)》(Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis,简称JPA),2011年创刊,双月刊,为大16开本,系教育部主管、西安交通大学主办的药物分析专业英文期刊...展开全部>>
miR-135b:An emerging player in cardio-cerebrovascular diseases
Yingchun Shao;Jiazhen Xu;Wujun Chen;Minglu Hao;Xinlin Liu;Renshuai Zhang;Yanhong Wang;Yinying Dong1407-1417
Epigenetic regulation of targeted ferroptosis:A new strategy for drug development
Shengli Ouyang;Zeyao Zeng;Jieyi He;Lianxiang Luo1418-1434
"Small is beautiful"-Examining reliable determination of low-abundant therapeutic antibody glycovariants
Katharina Böttinger;Christof Regl;Veronika Schäpertöns;Erdmann Rapp;Therese Wohlschlager;Christian G.Huber1435-1449
Xianling Lianxia formula improves the efficacy of trastuzumab by enhancing NK cell-mediated ADCC in HER2-positive BC
Feifei Li;Youyang Shi;Mei Ma;Xiaojuan Yang;Xiaosong Chen;Ying Xie;Sheng Liu1450-1467
Tetrandrine targeting SIRT5 exerts anti-melanoma properties via inducing ROS,ER stress,and blocked autophagy
Yacong Ji;Qian Li;Huanrong Hu;Hongjuan Cui;Yaling Liu;Chongyang Li;Sicheng Wan;Zhen Dong;Chaolong Liu;Leiyang Guo;Shaomin Shi;Mingxin Ci;Minghao Xu1468-1483
Software-aided efficient identification of the components of compound formulae and their metabolites in rats by UHPLC/IM-QTOF-MS and an in-house high-definition MS2 library:Sishen formula as a case
Lili Hong;Xiumei Gao;De-an Guo;Wenzhi Yang;Wei Wang;Shiyu Wang;Wandi Hu;Yuyang Sha;Xiaoyan Xu;Xiaoying Wang;Kefeng Li;Hongda Wang1484-1495
Optical biosensing of monkeypox virus using novel recombinant silica-binding proteins for site-directed antibody immobilization
Xixi Song;Ying Tao;Sumin Bian;Mohamad Sawan1496-1504
CeFe nanofibrous carbon nanozyme integrated with smartphone for the point-of-care testing of norfloxacin in water
Yue Liu;Taimei Cai;Sen Chen;Tao Wen;Hailong Peng1505-1513
Deep learning-based drug screening for the discovery of potential therapeutic agents for Alzheimer's disease
Tong Wu;Ruimei Lin;Pengdi Cui;Jie Yong;Heshui Yu;Zheng Li1514-1526
Cirsiumjaponicum mitigates allergic nasal inflammation by regulating NRF2-mediated mucin production:Systematic transcriptome and molecular docking analyses
Bo-Jeong Pyun;Taesoo Kim;Su-Jin Baek;Kyuhyung Jo;Ik Soo Lee;Musun Park;Hye Jin Kim;Joo Young Lee;Susanna Choi;Yun Hee Kim1527-1530
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