

Physicochemical Properties and Flavor Components of Four Foxtail Millet Bran Fractions


以不同碾磨程度的小米糠为原料,通过测定小米糠中营养成分、水分分布、水合特性、色度、糊化特性和挥发性成分,探究不同小米糠组分营养成分、理化性质和挥发性成分的差异.结果显示,4 种小米糠(S1~S4)的脂肪、蛋白质、灰分、淀粉和水分质量分数均存在显著差异.其中S3米糠含有10.96%蛋白质和26.05%脂肪,营养价值最高.同时,S3米糠具有流动性强,起泡能力强(5.54%)且稳定性高(82.86%)等优良特性,但高含水量、含油量不利于S3米糠贮藏.相关性分析显示淀粉、蛋白质营养成分会直接影响小米糠加工性质(水合特性、起泡性等).此外,S1~S4米糠中分别检测出72、47、70、51 种挥发性物质.4 种小米糠中存在10 种差异性挥发性物质,己酸甲酯、己醛、棕榈酸甲酯等6 种化合物在S1米糠中含量最高,十二烷、正己醇等4 种化合物在S2米糠中含量最高.4 种小米糠中壬醛的香气活性值分别为702、444、110、51,可以有效区别4 种小米糠.本研究有利于精准化分离工艺和选择性使用,可以实现资源利用的最大化.

Millet bran with different degrees of milling was used as raw materials,the differences in nutritional composition,physicochemical properties,and volatile components of different foxtail millet bran fractions were explored by measuring nutritional composition,water distribution,hydration characteristics,chromaticity,gelatinization characteristics,and volatile components.The results showed there were significant differences in content of fat,protein,ash,starch,and water among the four types of foxtail millet bran(S1-S4).S3 millet bran contained 10.96%protein and 26.05%fat,with the highest nutritional value.Meanwhile,S3 millet bran had excellent characteristics such as strong fluidity,strong foaming ability(5.54%),and high stability(82.86%),but high content of water and oil were not conducive to the storage of S3 millet bran.Correlation analysis shows that starch and protein directly affected the processing properties of millet bran(hydration characteristics,foaming properties,etc.).In addition,72,47,70,and 51 volatile substances were detected in the four types of millet bran(S1-S4),respectively.There were 10 different volatile substances in 4 types of millet bran.Six compounds including methyl hexanoate,hexanal,and methyl palmitic acid had the highest content in S1 millet bran,and the other 4 compounds including dodecane and n-hexanol had the highest content in S2 millet bran.The odor activity value(OAV)of nonanal in four types of millet bran was 702,444,110,and 51,respectively,which could be used to effectively distinguish these foxtail millet bran fractions.This study is conducive to the precision separation process and selective use,which can maximize the utilization of resources.


河北省农林科学院生物技术与食品科学研究所,河北 石家庄 050050||中国海洋大学食品科学与工程学院,山东 青岛 266003河北省农林科学院生物技术与食品科学研究所,河北 石家庄 050050



foxtail millet brandegree of processingphysicochemical propertiesapplication

《食品科学》 2024 (006)

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