

Comprehensive Evaluation of Plums Quality Based on Principal Component Analysis and Cluster Analysis


为了解不同品种李子的品质特性,本文选取 12个品种李子作为研究对象,分别从外观、理化及糖酸组成等方面对果实品质进行了对比分析,同时采用主成分分析和聚类分析对李子品质性状进行综合评价.结果表明,不同品种李子外观、理化和糖酸组成等指标均表现出丰富的多样性.糖酸组成、色泽、单果重、果实密度和果形指数等是评价李子综合品质的关键性指标.12个品种中'紫皇'(ZH)'圣雪珀'(SXP)'爱丽丝'(ALS)'香李'(XL)'香甜李'(XTL)5个品种综合评分为正值,品质较好.其中,ZH和SXP品质特征为出汁率、可溶性固形物、总糖含量及色泽品质高;ALS品质特征为总糖、总甜度、甜酸比和糖酸比最高;XL和XTL品质特征为可溶性固形物含量、糖酸比、甜酸比高,但出汁率低.该研究结果可作为不同用途李子品种筛选的重要参考依据.

To investigate the quality characteristics of different varieties of plums,the quality such as appearance,physicochemical properties,and sugar and acid composition of 12 varieties were analyzed.At the same time,principal component analysis and cluster analysis were employed to evaluate the quality characteristics of 12 varieties comprehensively.The results showed that different varieties of plum exhibited rich diversity in appearance,physico-chemical properties,sugar and acid composition.Sugar and acid composition,color,single fruit weight,fruit density,and fruit shape index were key indicators for evaluating the quality of plums.Among the 12 varieties,ZH,SXP,ALS,XL,XTL had a positive values,represent a good quality.Among them,the quality characteristics of ZH and SXP were high juice yield,soluble solids,total sugar content,and color quality.The quality characteristics of ALS included the highest total sugar,total sweetness,sweet acid ratio,and sugar acid ratio.The quality characteristics of XL and XTL were high soluble solid content,sugar acid ratio,and sweet acid ratio,but low juice yield.The results above served an important reference to screen plum varieties for different purposes.


四川省农业科学院农产品加工研究所,四川成都 610000四川省农业科学院园艺研究所,四川成都 610000四川省葡萄酒与果酒行业协会,四川成都 610000



plumfruit qualityprincipal component analysiscluster analysiscomprehensive evaluation

《食品工业科技》 2024 (008)

293-300 / 8


