

Effects of amino-oligosaccharides on induced disease resistance and biochemical indices of wolfberry


[目的]氨基寡糖素是一种植物免疫诱抗剂,可诱导激活植物免疫系统、促进生长,提高抗病能力.研究通过叶面喷施氨基寡糖素(AOS),观测分析枸杞病害发病情况和生理生化指标分析,阐明AOS对枸杞植株生长的影响和诱导抗病的生理机制.[方法]以4年生'宁杞7号'为试验材料,以清水为对照,从初花期开始,间隔15 d叶面喷施5%AOS 800倍液1次,连续喷施4次,诱导32 d后调查枸杞叶斑病发病情况3次.同时采集叶片样品,测定叶片厚度、叶绿素含量、活性氧代谢途径、苯丙烷代谢途径关键酶活性和次生代谢产物含量.[结果]叶面喷施AOS诱导32 d后,'宁杞7号'叶片叶绿素、O2-、H2O2 含量达到最高,分别较对照组提高63.04%、13.27%和206.14%,抗氧化酶SOD、POD、PAL活性提升最高,较对照组提升19.56%、45.46%和48.85%,MDA含量最低,较对照组下降37.43%;诱导39 d后,'宁杞7号'叶斑病的发病率、病情指数最低,分别为5.90%、1.66,相对防治效果最佳,达到83.02%,此时4CL活性最高,较对照组提高107.39%,次生代谢产物木质素、总酚和类黄酮含量也达到最高,分别较对照提高26.89%、63.98%和19.69%;诱导46 d后,CAT、C4H活性最高,分别较对照组提高380.02%、45.34%.[结论]叶面喷施AOS可提高'宁杞7号'叶片叶绿素含量,能诱导产生ROS,使O2-、H2O2含量一定程度升高,同时增强SOD、POD、CAT、PAL、C4H、4CL活性,降低MDA含量,积累次生代谢产物木质素、总酚和类黄酮,显著降低叶斑病的自然发病率和病情指数.该研究结果可为氨基寡糖素在枸杞无害化栽培中的应用提供理论依据.

[Objective]Amino-oligosaccharide(AOS)is a kind of plant immune attractor,which can induce and activate plant immune system,promote growth and improve disease resistance.In this study,by spraying AOS on leaf surface,the incidence of wolfberry disease and physiological and biochemical indexes were observed and analyzed,and the effects of AOS on the growth of wolfberry plants and the physiological mechanism of inducing disease resistance were clarified.[Method]In this experiment,four-year-old wolfberry'Ningqi Ⅶ'plants were selected as experimental materials.Clean water was used as a control treatment while AOS solution was sprayed onto the foliage in the experimental group.Starting from the initial flowering period,5%AOS solution diluted 800 times was sprayed onto the leaf surface four times,once every 15 days.After 32 days of induction,the onset of barbary wolfberry leaf spot disease was investigated for a total of three times.At the same time,leaf samples were collected to determine leaf thickness,chlorophyll content,active oxygen metabolism pathway,phenylpropane metabolism pathway key enzyme activities and secondary metabolites content.[Result]The results showed that by spraying AOS on leaves for 32 days,the contents of chlorophyll,O2-(Superoxide anion)and H2 O2(Hydrogen peroxide)levels of wolfberry'Ningqi Ⅶ'reached the highest,which were increased by 63.04%,13.27%and 206.14%compared with control group,respectively.And antioxidant enzyme activity activities of SOD(superoxide dismutase),POD(peroxidase)and PAL(phenylalanine aminolyase)reached their peak values with notable increases compared to those in the control group.Specifically,there was a significant increase of 13.27%in O2-level,206.14%increase in H2 O2 level,19.56%increase in SOD activity,45.46%increase in POD activity,and 48.85%increase in PAL activity.The MDA content is reduced to a minimum,decreased by 37.43%compared with control group.After 39d of the induction,the incidence and disease index of'Ningqi Ⅶ'leaf spot were the lowest,which were 5.90%and 1.66,respectively,and the relative control effect was the best,reaching 83.02%.At this time,the activity of 4CL(4-coumaric acid coA ligase)activity was the highest,which was 107.39%higher than that of control group.Meanwhile,the contents of lignin,total phenol and flavonoid of secondary metabolites also reached the highest,which were increased by 26.89%,63.98%and 19.69%,respectively,compared with the control group.The activity of CAT(catalase)and C4H(cinnamic acid-4-hydroxylase)after 46 days of induction were highest,which were 380.02%and 45.34%higher than the control group.[Conclusion]Foliar spraying with AOS can increase chlorophyll content of wolfberry'Ningqi Ⅶ'leaves,induce ROS production,and it can increase the content of O2-and H2 O2 to a certain extent.It can also enhance the activities of SOD,POD,CAT,PAL,C4H,4CL,reduce MDA content,and accumulate secondary metabolites such as lignin,total phenols and flavonoids.Therefore,it can significantly reduce the natural incidence rate and disease index of leaf spot disease.The results can provide a theoretical basis for the application of amino-oligosaccharide in harmless cultivation of wolfberry.


甘肃农业大学 林学院,甘肃 兰州 730070甘肃农业大学 林学院,甘肃 兰州 730070||甘肃省枸杞无害化栽培工程研究中心,甘肃 兰州 730070甘肃省武威市凉州区绿之源生态建设有限公司,甘肃 武威 733000甘肃省靖远县农业技术推广中心,甘肃 靖远 730699



wolfberry'Ningqi Ⅶ'amino-oligosaccharidesinduced disease resistanceactive oxygen metabolismphenylpropane metabolism

《江西农业大学学报》 2024 (003)

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甘肃省2022科技攻关项目(22CX8ND151)Project supported by the Gansu Province 2022 Science and Technology Project(22CX8ND151)甘肃省高校创新基金(2020A-055)同时对本研究给予了资助,谨致谢意!

