Effect of high-temperature air fluidization processing on antioxidant activities of polyphenol and inositol in multi-grain formula
该研究对一款由绿豆、苦荞、黑米、血糯米、燕麦胚芽米和白米复配而成的多谷物配方米(multi-grains formula,MGF)中的活性物质进行研究.对经过高温空气流化(high-temperature air fluidization,HTAF)加工前后的MGF中的多酚和肌醇物质进行提取,并评估了该提取物的体外抗氧化活性.结果表明,MGF多酚和肌醇提取物中主要含有酚酸、类黄酮、肌-肌醇和D-手性肌醇.该提取物对ABTS阳离子自由基、DPPH自由基、羟自由基的清除率最高,分别可达到92.28%、75.02%、87.21%,且在一定质量浓度范围内其清除能力均呈浓度依赖型增加.同时该提取物也表现出一定的总还原能力和Fe2+鳌合能力,最高分别达1.26 mg维生素C当量/mL和1.85 mmol Fe2+.HTAF工艺处理后的MGF对DPPH自由基清除能力、总还原能力和Fe2+螯合能力都进一步提高.相关性分析结果表明,MGF中总黄酮和总多酚是最关键抗氧化组分,其含量与ABTS阳离子自由基清除力、羟自由基清除力和总还原能力呈极显著相关(P<0.001),相关性要高于肌-肌醇和D-手性肌醇(P<0.01);总还原能力是最具代表性的MGF抗氧化评价方式,它与总多酚、总黄酮、肌-肌醇含量均呈极显著相关(P<0.001),与D-手性肌醇含量呈显著相关(P<0.01).综上所述,MGF多酚和肌醇提取物表现出较强的抗氧化活性,HTAF处理工艺在改善了 MGF蒸煮品质的同时保留或略微提高了 MGF的抗氧化活性,这为多谷物饮食在预防氧化应激代谢疾病方面提供了一定的理论依据.
Grains and beans are abundant in bioactive substances.This study investigated the bioactive substances in a multi-grains formula(MGF)composed of mung bean,tartary buckwheat,black rice,black sticky rice,oat germ rice,and white rice.Polyphenols and inositol(PIEs)were extracted from MGF before and after high-temperature air fluidization(HTAF)processing,and the antioxidant activ-ity of the extract was evaluated in vitro.Results showed that the PIEs of MGF mainly contained phenolic acids,flavonoids,myo-inositol,and D-chiro-inositol.The highest scavenging rate of MGF PIEs for ABTS cationic free radicals,DPPH free radicals,and hydroxyl free rad-icals reached 92.28%,75.02%,and 87.21%,respectively,and its scavenging ability increased in a concentration-dependent manner within a certain concentration range.At the same time,MGF PIEs also showed a certain total reducing capacity and Fe2+chelating capaci-ty,with the highest reaching 1.26 mg vitamin C equivalent/mL and 1.85 mmol Fe2+,respectively.After the HTAF process,the scaven-ging abilities for DPPH free radicals,total reducing capacity,and Fe2+chelating capacity of MGF were further improved.The correlation analysis showed that total flavonoids and total polyphenols were the most critical antioxidant components of MGF.Their contents were sig-nificantly correlated with ABTS cationic radical scavenging capacity,hydroxyl radical scavenging capacity,and total reducing capacity(P<0.001),and the correlation was higher than that of myo-inositol and D-chiro-inositol(P<0.01).The total reducing capacity was the most representative antioxidant evaluation index of MGF.It was significantly correlated with total polyphenols(P<0.001),total fla-vonoids(P<0.001),myo-inositol(P<0.001),and D-chiro-inositol(P<0.01)contents.To sum up,the PIEs of MGF showed strong antioxidant activity,and HTAF treatment which improved the cooking quality of MGF could also retain or slightly improve the antioxidant activity of MGF.This research provided a certain theoretical basis for the prevention of oxidative stress metabolic diseases via multi-grain diets.
grainspolyphenolsinositolantioxidant activities
《食品与发酵工业》 2024 (14)