Effect of Planter and Planting Parameters on Garlic Planting Quality
为提高大蒜机械化播种质量,分析了种箱内种层厚度、播种密度、茬口类型(大蒜-玉米,大蒜-水稻)、蒜瓣大小均匀性、作业速度和播种深度等因素对机械播种效果的影响.试验结果表明:在1/4,1/2,满种箱条件下,最小空穴率分别对应为B、A和B机型,为7.2%、7.7%和8.3%.A机型和C机型空穴率随着密度增加而增加,正芽率在密度为37.5万穴·hm-2时达到最高值94%,随着密度增加,两种机型5cm及以上规格的蒜头比例减小.两种茬口下,A机型正芽率差异不显著,A机型空穴率和重播率均值优于C机型,分别降低1.0%和1.1%.A和C机型的空穴率随着蒜瓣重量的增加呈现先增后减的趋势,平均空穴率分别为4.4%和3.2%.随着作业速度的增加,空穴率呈上升趋势,而重播率呈下降趋势,A、B、C机型在不同速度下的平均空穴率分别为9.4%、7.6%和8.8%,平均重播率分别为5.9%、8.3%和6.4%,适宜的作业速度为0.3 m·s-1.增加播种深度有助于提高正芽率,A、B、C机型在不同播种深度下的平均空穴率分别为8.4%、8.1%和8.1%,平均重播率分别为6.6%、9.2%和7%,随着播种深度的增加,3种机型总体呈现出增产趋势.该研究结果可为大蒜播种机的选用提供参考.
To improve the quality of mechanical planting of garlic,this study analyzed the effects of factors such as the depth of the seed layer in seed box,seeding rate,crop rotation pattern(garlic-corn,garlic-rice),uniformity of garlic clove size,operating speed,and planting depth on the mechanical planting quality.The experimental results indicate that at 1/4,1/2,and full of seed box,the minimum miss-seeding rate corresponds to machine B,A,and B,the value were 7.2%,7.7%,and 8.3% .The miss-seeding rates of machine A and C increase with seeding rate,and the upright planting rate reaches the maximum value of 94% when the seeding rate was 375 thousand hills per hectare.As seeding rate increases,the proportion of garlic diameter greater than or equal to 5cm decreases for both machines.Under the two crop rotation pattern of corn and rice,there was no significant difference in upright planting rate for machine A;however,the miss-seeding rate and reseeding rate of machine A were 1.0% and 1.1% less than those of machine C respectively.The miss-seeding rates of machine A and C show a trend of increase and then decrease with the increase of garlic weight,the average miss-seeding rates were 4.4% and 3.2% respectively.With the increase of operating speed,the miss-seeding rate shows an upward trend while the reseeding rate shows a downward trend.The average miss-seeding rates for machine A,B,and C at different speeds are 9.4%,7.6% and 8.8%,and the average reseeding rates were 5.9%,8.3%,and 6.4% .The suitable operating speed is 0.3 m·s-1.The increase of planting depth helps to improve the upright planting rate,the average miss-seeding rates were 8.4%,8.1%,and 8.1% separately for machine A,B and C at different planting depths,the average reseeding rates were 6.6%,9.2%,and 7% respectively.The three seeders show an increasing trend in yield with the increase in planting depth.These research can provide reference for the selection of garlic seeders.
江苏省农业机械技术推广站,南京 210017南京农业大学工学院,南京 210031南京农业大学工学院,南京 210031江苏省农业机械技术推广站,南京 210017江苏省农业机械技术推广站,南京 210017江苏省农业机械技术推广站,南京 210017南京农业大学工学院,南京 210031邳州市农机推广站,江苏徐州,221300丰县农机推广站,江苏徐州 221700铜山区农机推广站,江苏徐州 221124南京交通职业技术学院,南京 211188
garlicseeders modelplanting parametersplanting quality
《沈阳农业大学学报》 2024 (4)