

Study on extraction and antioxidant activity of polyphenols from Armeniaca vulgaris Lam.during physiological fruit-falling period


[目的]优化小白杏生理落果中多酚提取工艺,并研究其提取物抗氧化活性.为小白杏生理落果抗自由基氧化功能食品的开发与利用奠定基础.[方法]以生理落果小白杏为原料,在单因素试验的基础上,采用响应面试验确定最佳工艺,并用分光光度法测定多酚提取物的体外抗氧化活性.[结果]小白杏多酚的最佳提取工艺为提取时间34 min、提取温度60℃、液料比21∶1、乙醇浓度70%,小白杏生理落果多酚得率为12.50 mg/g.验证试验结果与预测值相对标准偏差为 1.31%,回归模型适用于小白杏多酚的提取.小白杏多酚清除ABTS+、DPPH、O2-的IC50值分别为66.35、55.84 和103.00 μg/mL,其清除自由基的能力由强到弱依次为DPPH、ABTS+、O2-;小白杏生理落果多酚对NO2-的清除能力较弱.[结论]小白杏生理落果多酚能不同程度地清除ABTS+、DPPH、O2-、NO2-,具有一定的体外抗氧化活性,可用作抗自由基氧化功能食品的原料.

[Objective]In this study,the extraction process of polyphenols from Armeniaca vulgaris Lam.during physiological fruit-falling period was optimized and the antioxidant activity of the polyphenol ex-tract was analyzed.[Methods]On the basis of single factor experiments,response surface method was used to determine the optimum process.The antioxidant activity in vitro was assayed with spectrophotometric method.[Results]the suitable extraction conditions were ethanol volume fraction 70%,solid-liquid ratio 1∶21,ex-traction time 34 minute and temperature 60℃.Under these conditions,the polyphenol extraction yield was 12.50 mg/g.The relative standard deviation of the proved experiment was 1.31%compared with the predicted value,which indicated the regression model was suitable for the polyphenol extraction from A.vulgaris.during physiological fruit-falling period.The IC50 of scavenging the free radicals of ABTS+,DPPH,O2-were 63.55,55.84,103.00 μg/mL respectively.The results indicated that the ability of the polyphenol extraction to scav-enge free radicals in the order was DPPH>ABTS+>O2-.There is slightly lower scavenging ability of NO2-.[Conclusion]The findings would lays the foundation for the development and utilization of A.vulgaris.during physiological fruit-falling period in anti-free radical oxidation functional food.


新疆农业大学食品科学与药学学院,乌鲁木齐 830052新疆农业大学食品科学与药学学院,乌鲁木齐 830052||新疆果品采后科学与技术重点实验室,乌鲁木齐 830052



Armeniaca vulgaris Lam.green ripe stagepolyphenolsextractionresponse surfacean-tioxidise

《新疆农业科学》 2024 (003)

623-631 / 9

新疆杏产业技术体系专项资金项目(XJCYTX-03-05-2021) Apricot Industrial Technology System Special Fund Project of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region(XJCYTX-03-05-2021)

