

An Empirical Study on the Evaluation Model of Teacher's Leadership in Primary and Middle Schools


教师领导力是教师核心素养之一,是影响学校教育教学质量的重要变量.研究采用混合研究方法,首先通过对27 名中小学教师进行访谈,初步构建了包含"组织领导力"、"评价领导力"、"专业学习领导力"、"教学领导力"、"社区领导力"与"政策领导力"的六维度理论模型.为进一步验证该模型的合理性,研究以946 名中小学教师为被试,经过探索性因素分析、验证性因素分析和信效度检验,结果支持教师领导力六维度模型,研究量表具有良好信效度.运用该量表对教师进行测评与分析后发现,教师的组织领导力表现最好,社区领导力与政策领导力相对偏弱,且不同职称、教龄、职务教师领导力水平均存在显著差异,研究根据测评结果提出了教师领导力提升策略.

Teacher leadership is one of the core teacher qualities and an important variable that affects the quality of school education and teaching.The study adopts a mixed research method,firstly,through interviews with 27 primary and secondary school teachers,a six-dimensional theoretical model is initially constructed,including"association leadership","professional learning leadership","instruction leadership","assessment leadership","community leadership"and"policy leadership".In order to further verify the rationality of this model,946 primary and second-ary school teachers were selected as subjects in this study.Through exploratory factor analysis,confirmatory factor a-nalysis and reliability and validity test,the results support the six-dimension model of teacher leadership,and the re-search scale has good reliability and validity.Basedon the evaluation and analysis of teachers'leadership by using this model,it is found that association leadership performs best,while teachers'community leadership and policy leadership is relatively weak,and there are significant differences in professional titles,teaching years,and whether to assume positions.The research puts forward strategies to improve teacher leadership based on the results of the as-sessment.


上海师范大学教育学院,上海 200234华东师范大学教育学部,上海 200062



elementary and secondary schoolsteacher leadershipmodel construction

《教师教育研究》 2024 (002)

17-26 / 10
